Sunday, December 12, 2010

Scary Experience

For the past week or so Tiny has been throwing up and having yucky diapers, I took him to see his pediatrician on Friday(12-10), he's one month old now! She sent us to have an xray of his abdomen, trust me it was tramatic for the both of us. Then when the x ray came back she sent us to the primary children's outpatient building in the riverton hospital campus to have an ultrasound done, she thought he had plorus stenosous, where the muscle connecting the small intestine to the stomach is too thick, causing nothing to get through, which would account for all the throwing up- the ultrasound found no indication of that, sigh of relief!
We then trecked back to the doctor's office and she wrote him a script for prevacid to reduce the acid reflux caused from the throwing up. Uncle Jake and I took Tiny home, where daddy was waiting.
Then we went over to my mom's so she could help me while daddy went to his mom's... after he had thrown up the pedialyte and the small amount of formula we had given him my mom suggested I call the doctor. The on call doc told us to go to Primary Children's ER. We made our way there where they pumped him full of IV fluids and admitted him. Watching them insert the IV line and taking what seemed like an overly excessive amounts of blood for a month old baby I wanted to take his place he cried so hard... I suppose I would too if they stuck big needles in such small veins.
Finally at 3 in the morning we went to the room where he would be staying the night and my mom and dad left. What a long day it was, I hope he doesn't have to go back.



So sad! I feel so bad for the little guy and you guys! Hope he gets better soon and can stay clear of doctors visits and hospitals! Let me know if I can help! When he gets better and things settle down let us know! We'd love to see you guys and Ty would love to see his cousin!


I am so sorry...
Stuff like that is never fun to watch your little baby go through.
I really hope they will find out what's causing him problems, without needing to do much more on the poor little body.
Let me know if you need ANYTHING at all.