Sunday, December 6, 2009

Getting into December

Since my last entry, I still have a job and so does Corby for now. I can't believe it's December already and that my winter break is in 10 days! It's funny how us teachers wish our lives till the next break. How true it is! My Christmas shopping is just about done, although I'm uncertain if my neice and nephews are going to like what I've picked out. Oh well, I'm trying not to let it get to me.

I hope you all have a happy holiday season!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

down in the dumps

Really, it doesn't matter anymore... nor does the fact that my being a teacher is not going to be a lifelong career for me. These days all a teacher can do is teach-if at all- because most of the time you're trying to keep your class under control-luckily mine is pretty good. Forget about discipline or making a judgement on your own of any kind... parents go to the principal and then you are told that what judgements you made were the wrong ones and trusting what kids say is out of the question because they lie to your face and then tell the principal another story entirely.
Monday I'm going in to talk to the principal after writting a letter beforehand about my allegedly calling a boy a cheater--which in the end his mother got his way and was moved from my class-- and my not reporting an incident right away in which I told by the boys the whole thing was an accident but now I'm wrong there too-because the parents and the boy went to the principal.

I thought I wanted this again... what the hell was I thinking...
My judgements about a lot of things are FUBAB these days!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I don't know how

I don't know how to be supportive....I just don't understand. Why?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

All Around me

All around me babies are being born and tales of mommyhood are being doesn't make my desire to be a mom any less fact I think I should stop reading blogs all together, it's feels like I do when I go to one baby shower after another when it's not for me. When all the people there ask, "So when do you think it'll be your turn?" I hate this! I know I'm just being whinny and it probably has something to do with the fact that I'm sick and knowing that my youngest sister-in-law will most likely be a mom again before me.
I think now is the time to end this pitty party blog and go find a quite place to cry.

ta ta for now

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What's happened since

Since my last entry, I've gotten the routine down and things are running more smoothly. I really love teaching fifth grade. My 31st birthday has come and gone with no major catastrophes. A couple of my students even gave me birthday gifts. I got lotion from Lorena, foamy soap from Riley, a small teddy bear from Christina, and a TY beanie bear and my favorite candy bar from Teyona. I have a really awesome class.
My dad brought me balloons and diet pepsi to school- my mom sent me flowers... I have awesome parents. Corby made me dinner after I got home from my meeting at the school district offices. Thanks honey, Love ya. I feel very spoiled!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Class is now in session

Hey ya'll, So my first week felt like it did the first year I began teaching or the first week of junior high would be more accurate--I felt like I knew nothing and that I was lost most of the time. The first two days I didn't know where things were that my students kept asking for, like the lunch basket to put their lunches in until it was time to eat. I had no idea where the interconnections closet was or the YPP lab, or even the P.E. closet!

I took my students out an hour early for recess on tuesday, I looked at my clock wrong and thought that it was 2:35, when in actuality it was 1:35! I just saw the hand on the 7 and assumed it was time to go...duh! All week from then on when I said it was time for recess when the bells would ring they would ask, "Are you sure?" Teaching math thus far hasn't been that difficult, due to the fact that my students are needing 3rd grade math review, like times tables, place value and 3 to 4 digit addition.

I still don't have an email address, so don't write please. I was just recognized as working at Robert Frost. For those of us that are teachers will are reading this you will understand, but for the others of you reading this just go with it... I didn't have a class assigned to me and I can't get my PG&E goals set online, because apparently there is two of me in the district, one that's still attached to Rolling Meadows and the other Adrianne Merchant is just there, not attached to anything. GRRRR!

My students are fun though--There's this kid Felisi(who is Samoan/Tongan), he's a big kid anyway the other day the bell rand to go home and he just kind of hung around the door- waiting for me I guess. He left when this fourth grade teacher next door teased him and said, " You know Felisi she's married."

It was quite a week

Stay tuned for pictures of my students

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mrs. Merchant

getting back to work has been quite an adventure. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to work all day and stay for some event in the evening like Back to School night and then come back the next day. Ugh!
I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by and tomorrow is the First day of school.
I'm excited but nervous too. Stay tuned to further posts about my first week back.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Week's Adventures

My week in review--nothing took place much, Monday or Tuesday, but from Wednesday to Today(Saturday Aug.1) It's been a crazy one! Wednesday I had the privilege of babysitting my youngest nephew, Nate--What a cutie! He and I got along great! He and Lucy hit it off and he just wanted to explore after he woke up from a nap. Funny thing was, when Nate slept so did Lucy! I wish I had taken a picture.
Then on Thursday my parents and my brother Jake took off for a 4 wheeling weekend. I was asked to feed the fish and dog and water the plants. Simple enough right? Haha... Friday morning I come over to feed Willow and found that a tree limb, not a little one mind you...a good sized tree limb has broken off the tree and is hanging down.
Willow(the family dog) usually goes for a swim in the cannal behind my mom and dad's house, so Friday we brought Lucy over to go with her, wear out both dogs at the same time. I took Willow, boy did I make the wrong choice, she pulled me around the block enough to send my flip flops flying literally.
Then today, oh today... It's only 9:53 a.m. and already I'm ready to go back to bed. Decided to take Willow swimming by herself theory good reality, not so much! There was another woman and her dog walking on the canal this morning...which was okay because Willow kept on swimming without even paying attention. However, the second time the woman passed with her dog, Willow lunges out of the water and goes after this dog! Both the woman and I tried to stop it, she helped me get Willow's collar while she was trying to shield her dog! Luckily both dogs are fine and no blood seems to have been shed.
When my parents get home tomorrow afternoon what am I suppose to say, "the fish are still living, you're plants are fine, your tree is dead and your dog caused a fight on the canal, but overall, everything went fine!"
Oh Boy! I really hope that between the remainder of today and through tomorrow morning that all goes well without much more drama.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

waffles on sunday morning

So Sunday morning, my mom made waffles and sent me home with some batter for Corby and Lucy, that's right I didn't go to church, I'm a sinner! But after falling in the shower and hitting my head pretty hard only a few days before I thought it would be difficult for me to go to Nursery and not go crazy...there I let my confession be known to the world!

I had made one too many waffles with the leftover batter that my mom sent home, so I gave it to Lucy.

This is her adventure with hot waffles

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Our Fourth of July

So on the Fourth of July my family got together to celebrate Father's day, the Fourth and Corby's birthday as my mom has been out of town since the 20th of June visiting her cousin in California.Here are some pics of the birthday boy, and the fireworks display--forgive me, I'm still learning what setting to use in what light...

Photo 1- the Birthday Boy
Photo 2- dad cleaning up parachutes
Photo 3- Jake and his torch
Photo 4- ohh,ahh

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What happens when...

As many of you know by now, I'm going back to teaching...well I have been going through boxes and stuff to see what can go with me...well Today I realized just how bad I need to get my stuff over there. Lucy, has taken to exploring mama's stuff and found my "shout out" cones.

I went out in the backyard and sure enough there they were, all chewed up! I love having a dog!

she couldn't really figure out how to chew it much though.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Giving of yourself

On Saturday, our Relief Society President calls at 9 a.m. and asks if Corby and I would be willing to go do a cannery assignment canning peas at 11a.m. Nothing like scrambling to find someone at the last minute, eh? Corby and I explained we had other plans to go to the temple and such, but she dashed our plans by telling us that in order to do baptisms you had to have your own family names. Gee thanks Cheryl! Anyway...

We finally agree and I meet Corby over there after going to the distribution center.

Well we stand around for the first hour of the time we were there, I kept thinking..."oh yeah, this is what I wanted to do with my Saturday". Then one guy asks us to go upstairs where the peas are going off a conveyor belt and help pick through them before they go in the cans.

It's a job I don't want to do again. We threw out shells and stems that hadn't gotten taken out before they came to the cannery. We also threw out the bad peas and something called 'night shade' that looks like a pea with a long stem attached that is apparently poison.

now to the point of my post... I was sitting there doing what I was suppose to and all of the sudden my foot slips after I ran my foot along some water and thrown out garbage...I hit my knee on the side of the metal conveyor belt. I didn't think much about it at the time other than that it hurt some.

Well Sunday I wake up and it's not only bruised but it's swollen! For the remainder of the weekend and on Monday this is what I looked like.

I just have to remind myself...I will be blessed in heaven for the service I performed regardless of the repercussions.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Someone has a Birthday!

Do you know who's birthday is today? It's Corby's! He's 31 today!

Here's a picture of the birthday boy....
Can't tell if he looks happy or if he's just humoring me. Either way, Happy Birthday to you Corby!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

God's intervention

God is all around us! Just when you think He isn't you get a glimpse of His protectiveness when you need it most. Yesterday I was on I-15 on my way to the Granite School District offfices to turn in the paperwork so that I could get my insurance in order before school starts. Anyway, All the sudden the lane that this delievery van is in merges but he doesn't turn on his blinker, he just cuts me off. I thought that I should move over a lane, but there was a white van next to me and I knew that if I had put on my breaks the person behind me would have hit me. Either way I thought for sure I was toast! The only thing that would've stopped me if at all would have been the cement retaining wall.
I all but gave up hope of getting out of it alive and that's when I know someone else's hands where on the sterring wheel guiding me out of what could have been potentionally a horrible accident.

I am grateful to know that there is a Father in Heaven and that He is with me even when I do think so.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Pic 1, the view of the temple while saving seats for three hours!

Picture2 Alaine at the top of a wall in Maple Canyon

While I sat here listening to the hail bounce off my windows yesterday it makes me appreciate the fact that it didn't rain or hail on us the night we were at the Mormon Miracle Pagaent in Manti, Utah.
It was a fun weekend, especially because it was away from here. I needed just a little getaway and that's what I got. Here's a little recap
Thursday-- drove down.. We watched the pagaent that night in nice weather until it turned bitter cold when the sun went down...flip flops..icy cold toes.
Friday--Still good weather, so we went "walking" on rocks up Maple Canyon. Crocs, not all terrain footwear. I remained on solid ground while my mom-in-law, sis-in-law(Kami) and Bro-in-law(Logan) climbed one side of the canyon wall where a cave looking thing was. Then we went to the Malt Shop in Ephraim(ahhh the memories of life at Snow College) and then later on after a short nap went to dinner at Los Amigos. Afterward a game of "Pass" back where the Merchants stayed in Manti. Corby and I rented a hotel room in Ephraim.
Then Saturday--The rains came and it rained and rained all the way home.

Check out some pictures from the trip ( Look for more pictures in further posts)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mistaken Identity

So the funniest thing just happened. I called this company that we owe money to for Corby, because he can't call obviously when he's at work and they are usually closed when he gets home. So I call, I give the guy Corby's SSN and he says "Thank you Ms. Merchant" then I guess he looks at the computer and sees that this SSN belongs to a guy. So for the rest of the conversation he referred to me as "Mr. Merchant and Sir" I was able to answer all the questions he asked. During the conversation the more times he referred to me as 'Mr Merchant' I just wanted to say, " I'm his wife and he has given me permission to call and use his SSN to get this taken care of."

I laughed out loud when I got off the phone. It still makes me giggle to think of it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Busy, Busy Busy

As some of you may or may not know, I am returning to teaching! I didn't think I'd be too jazzed about teaching fifth grade, afterall I've only taught k-2. So I decided to go down into the basement and sort through the boxes. The many, many, many boxes! To my surprise I have actually found some things that I can take with me!
Each night since I've found out what my next year's assignment is and where I am going to be...Thank goodness it's not Rolling Meadows. I'm going to Robert Frost. Anyway, as I was saying each night I've thought of different things I can do to this room to make it great! I've even thought about sending my students a letter in the mail introducing I crazy?

I must be off, I've got more to do downstairs.

Ta ta for now

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer's Comin'

Yesterday I was outside trying to get the weeds untangled from my flowers and while I was out there I got my first sunburn on the season-which will lead to the first Farmer's tan of the season.

We also got out Lucy's kiddie pool, which she LOVED! The minute Corby drug it up from the basement she was dancing around with excitement and couldn't wait to get in as Corby filled it with water. She's a water dog no doubt!

We also went up to see our friends' new baby last night and went to a 'End of the Year Bash' with Justin and his two girls Gilli and Anna. Right now he's a full time student at the U of U. It was such a blast, the university provided pizza, popcorn,and kiddie cone ice cream and the had tons of stuff for the kids to do. There was a jumping house and a blow up fun house. They also had a petting zoo with baby goats, black lambies and a Shetland pony along with a 5 week old baby camel!

I can't wait for summer! I love the warm weather and long days.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's day!

Happy Mother's day to all my friends that are mothers and for those of us who are not, I was curious, by the raise of hands, who boycotted it and refused to go to church? Just me? Come on now, be honest.
Well I did and I'll tell you why. I hate that all the women in the ward who are 18 and over, whether they are mothers or not get a mother's day gift. Last year i went and I made a girl in Young women's feel bad. She tried to give me the gift, but I politely refused it and then she tried again and I said, "Nicole, I'm not a mom-I do want the gift." Then she stood there stunned and didn't know what to do. Corby(bless his heart) tried to make her feel better by saying that there was a lady sitting not too far away from us that didn't get one. She moved on, but afterward I felt horrible.
So this year I told Corby to go without me. He went and told the ladies in nursery the reason I wasn't there was because I hate mother's day and didn't want to come. I also wanted to avoid the whole refusing the gift thing.
Now MAYBE when I'm a mom I'll feel differently about it, but until then I'm standing firm in what I believe, is that wrong?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stunning Moments

On Sunday I attended a baby blessing. It was no ordinary blessing, it was my ex-boyfriends twin boys' blessing. Yes, my relationship ended amicable. So Corby and I went. For some reason I was so nervous, maybe it was because I hadn't seen Lou in person for almost six years. I didn't even know he'd joined the church, let alone been sealed in the temple. You see, at the time Lou and I were together he wanted nothing to do with my religion. In fact the reason we broke up was so that I could find the right man to take me to the temple.
He asked me in October if I thought he was a hypocrite for saying what he had and then when he met ShaLee he did what he said he was never going to do. I told him there was no reason to think he was, that I was very happy that he had found peace within himself.

Anyway, as Corby and I sat waiting for the meeting to start I fidgeted more and more, until I saw him. In a suit and tie! I'd never seen him in a suit and tie, when I dated him, he had long hair and a tongue ring. He looked very handsome. The most wonderful part of the meeting was when Lou blessed his son Cole and his father-in-law blessed his son Caleb.
I didn't think I'd get as emotional as I did as he pronounced this blessing. I was very glad Corby had gone and gotten me some tissues from the pulpit before the meeting started. I quietly sobbed as I heard him say, "By the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood which we hold we take this infant into our arms and give him a name and a blessing..." I marvelled at the words that were working through him for this precious boy.
Thoughts of longing fell in as I watched him with his babies, and just for a moment I wondered what it could have been if he and I were where he sat then. Then they were replaced by the thougth of Corby and I with our child.

Blessings are the greatest thing about the priesthood in my opinion. I am so very glad that I have a husband who holds that priesthood.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daxton is Braver by far!

On Julie and Matt's blog, Julie wrote about Daxton's trip to the dentist. I too had to go to the dentist, for a deep cleaning yesterday and today I've gotta go have some cavities filled. Yesterday I was so nervous they gave me laughing gas and several numbing shots BEFORE they even came close to my mouth! Even then during the cleaning there were places I could still feel and it hurt but I didn't want another shot so I dealt with it.

Daxton, in the picture I saw you're looking like it wasn't all that bad! Kudos to ya... Now I must be off again to the evil dentist

I think that grownups are more scared than kids are... Good job Daxton!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

no more video game blues

On Easter my mom gave Corby a new game for the computer, TWO WORLDS and since then Corby has tried numerous times to get it installed. Come to find out we needed a video card to run the game.

After going to Best Buy and purchasing the card, come to find out when Corby takes the tower in that it's the wrong card! So then the geekbox guy talks him into returning it and purchasing a more expensive one! The guy says to leave it and then he'll call when it's installed. So we do.

We get home and there's a message from the guy saying, we've tried everything but just can't get it to work. We don't have the right card. UGH! Once again Corby is frustrated at what to do.

On Sunday I had told my mom and dad what had happened at Best Buy and that's when my dad turns around and calls the place where we purchased the computer from on Monday. YEAH, they have the right one!

So today, Jake comes over and the two of us go and have it installed! Yippee, my "little gamer" will be happy instead of sad!

Thanks Used Computer Warehouse, you guys are lifesavers!

Monday, April 20, 2009

tellin' it like it is

On Saturday Corby and I were helping a friend, Inez unpack after helping her move into her new townehouse. Well she needed lamps for her living room because it had no other light otherwise. So we drove all over looking for lamps, to wal-mart to shopko to sears grand.
Well we get to sears grand and Inez and I are walking through the isles and soon there is this guy who works there that asks,'can I help you find anything?' so I ask where we can find the lamps. He then says they don't have any.

So in reply I said, "What kind of Sears Grand are you?" The guy was taken aback for a minute and says, "Being grand has nothing to do with it." Then he asks if there's anything else he can help with?

I just turned and said, "I think you've helped enough thanks!"

Inez and I turn and walk away. then about halfway down another isle she turns and says, "I can't believe you just said that." Soon the two of us are laughing while we go look for Corby and once found him he asked what we were laughing about. we told him that we had to leave and then as we were leaving we told him the story.

Honestly, don't call yourself GRAND, if there's nothing grand about you!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Negative Test

I've had enough! It's one test after another and they're all negative! I guess everyone's fears and concerns can be put to rest yet again. I am a good person right? Corby and I do the things the Lord why does this keep happening over and over?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Loved the movie!

Thanks Kaeloni for the suggestion of seeing 'Fireproof'...Corby and I rented it and thought it had a beautiful message. It hit home for us, that is in the years we've been married we've faced some similar challenges too and bounced back.
Thanks again!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I had to share this picture of Lucy. Right now she is suffering from sore pads on her feet they are cracked and she is not walking so my dad gave me the idea of putting vaseline on her pads at night and to prevent her from licking it off I put socks on her feet.

Thought some of you would get a laugh out of it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Back in Familiar Surroundings

Today I subbed for a teacher at LonePeak Elementary. I taught kindergarten and I LOVED being the one that was bigger than the students. I can't tell you how good it felt to be able to use the signals I've learned to get the kids' one,two,three eyes on me...It was great to not feel overpowered and helpless.

I had a good time and knowing that when I said "Go pull a card" the student knew I meant it. I love elementary forms of discipline!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fun in the snow

I can't believe it's April and that there is this much snow on the ground! Of course I know it will melt by tonight but, I thought I'd share the picture I took of Lucy outside waiting for me to let her back in this morning.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A fish out of water

So this week I took a two day job on Monday and today at Sunset Ridge Middle School. Yesterday wasn't so bad I was just way tired when I came home. Today though, was another story! Today I felt like the kindergartener diguised as a teacher. I couldn't believe how scared I felt. In Fourth period today I marked this girl absent because she wasn't in her seat according to the seating chart.

Well as I'm going down another row I see someone who isn't supposed to be there. I asked her name and I said, 'well you need to move to your seat' she gave me this look like I thought she might rip out my hair. I asked her again and said if she didn't move I was going to mark her absent. She told me to go ahead.

I asked her a third time and she says, 'I ain't movin.' It was the first time I feared for my life while teaching. Someone told me to let it drop because she was in a gang and if I didn't let it go I might regret it.

She left the classroom, but I didn't question where she was going for fear of what she might say or do. I wondered if I were to go back to that class if I ought to take a body guard. Do you think Jake would go?

I now believe I am meant for the lower grades. I thought I had thick skin, but now I'm not so sure.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stretched too Thin

I feel as if I am stretched too thin in all the things I have to do. Take tonight for example, Corby and I had made plans with a friend to have her come over, we've done this like EVERYmonth for quite awhile.

Then I heard from my family and my in-laws that they were planning to do birthday stuff for Kami and Lance and since my parents were in Dallas on Jake's birthday they decided to get togther tonight too. Every time I heard Jake say "see ya Saturday" I just thought it meant that he'd possibly see us on Saturday ( we end up there for one reason or another on Saturdays)

Now that I think about it though, on the day of Jake's actual birthday Erin,Phill, Corby and I took Jake out to dinner and then when the meal was done both Erin and Phill said see ya on Saturday too.

How can I do this all and please everyone?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where did all the money go?

(This picture has nothing to do with the post, I just wanted to see if it would let me post again.)
The title of this post really makes me think that it's hard to have one person working and the other one not. I give praises to those who can do it.

Even with my substituting when there are jobs available and I have my voice(thank goodness that's returned) It seems like we are struggling to get everything paid on time and for how much it's worth.

Just yesterday I got paid for the jobs I worked in February(school districts pay a month behind) and within two hours I re registered Corby's car and paid our home owners fees(boy would I like those to go away) anyway within that time all that I had gotten paid fly out the window. Now I think I have something like 12 dollars to my name.

again I pose the question, where did all the money go?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The queen of the bed

Normally Corby let's Lucy sit on the outside of the covers on our bed. He say's "You sleep on the top of the covers remember young lady" alot, but two nights ago it was different. As we were getting ready to go to bed Ihad already pulled the covers back to get in and then got up for some reason, when I turned around I saw Lucy laying under some of the covers with her head on Corby's pillow. That is like a cardnial one's head touchs Corby's pillow that has four legs. But Sunday night, he didn't seem to mind so I took the opportunity to document this rare occasion.
Enjoy the pics!

For some reason I can't get the pictures to upload, anyone think they can tell me why?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weddings and tears

So you may be(more than likely) be hearing from me quite a lot in the next ten days while Lucy "heals"-hopefully.
Today is Schuyler's wedding and I couldn't help but think what Lindsey might be doing right now and if I did some of those same things. About this time almost five years ago I was getting dressed for my ceremony with about a 100 other brides. Now I'm sure that Lindsey isn't getting ready the way I was-they aren't getting marrried in the temple-but I'm sure she and I were/are feeling the same nervousness and excitement. To see Corby across that alter, and even placing the ring on his right finger, not his left will always be memories I will treasure.

So over the last 24 hours I've watched Lucy very closely... and boy is she gettig restless. The doctor told me we couldn't play ball or throw the frisbee and of course she can't go up and down the stairs. I think the sadest thing to see is Lucy trying to get up on the bed, but not being able when she used to be able to make it up there no problem. When we had moose and he wasn't able to get into the car very well I thought we ought to get him some small stairs that he could walk up and down, to get out of the car and onto the bed. I never did though and boy now I wish I had.
I feel horrible about this who knows just how long she was in pain before she started limping and I have to wonder if I'm to blame for this?

Friday, March 20, 2009


You'll do ANYTHING! If your child is hurt and you can do something about it, you do right? Wether they have four legs or two. For the last few days I noticed Lucy limping and at first both Corby and I thought that she had just landed wrong on it after playing ball or jumping off the porch in the backyard. Well today I noticed when I got out of the shower that when she got off the bed, she limped a little andimmediatedly sat down. She did this as she followed me into the kitchen to get us something to eat and as soon as she got up from sitting anywhere. Well I immediatedly went into panic mode and called my mom to see if I should take her to the vet or if I was just over reacting. I tend to do that sometimes....Anyway, my mom suggested I call and tell them I'm bringing her in.So, almost 2 hours, 4 xrays and a sedation and 400 dollars( Thanks mom for paying, I love ya and you know Lucy does too) later it was determined that no she didn't have hip displasia(thank goodness) but she does have a partically torn ACL. That happened to Moose our first dog and four months after we got him we had to put him down. I don't know if I can do that twice!For now though it seems I have to give her anti-inflammitory meds for 10 days and then take her back in to determine our next course of action. My hope is that the meds with help the blood vessels to fill in where the tissue has worn away and that surgery is not required.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Schuyler and Lindsey

Congratulations goes out to my good childhood friend
to Schuyler and Lindsey who will be getting married tomorrow 3.21.2009

Good Luck and Best Wishes


The Packard Clan

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St.Patrick's Day Fun Facts

So alot of my friends that couldn't access this because of blocked sites at their workplaces were sent an email...many of you who can were sent one too..
But here are some other traditions not mentioned in the email about things that will take place around the states today...

There are 364.6 days until the next St. Patrick's day
St.Patrick's day came to America in 1737, the first city to celebrate was Boston

Before becoming St. Patrick at the age of 16 St. Patrick considered himself a pagan
Jan.11 is the Roman Catholic feast that honors St. Patrick
When St. Patrick became a priest he gave shamrocks to people to convert them to christianity
On St. Patrick's day, in Chicago they dump 40,000 gallons of green dye into the Hudson River

In Ireland people go to Mass
In the US many people "pub crawl" or go from one bar to another, even on a work day like today.

Now go, impress your friends with your knowledge of St. Patricks day

Monday, March 16, 2009

Responsibility SUCKS!

Okay in a pervious post I mentioned that I had to figure out how to go to Lava Hot Springs with Corby's family and pay the mortgage and such. As it turns out the fun stuff is what has to be cut! No Lava for Adri and Corby-maybe it two years when they go again. Is it too late to ask for my dolls back and live at home? I love the perks of adult life I do, the shoes, the clothes but don't be fooled by the cool exterior...reality soon sinks in and you have to deal with it. Even though I'd really like to just stick my head in the sand.

Dogs have no idea how great they have it--Here's to being a dog! Congrats Lucy :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Those Damn Gophers!

(Trevor is on cruthes because he tripped over their kids' toy, I felt it appropriate to illustrate this post)

Okay, so everyone who knows me, knows I'm a klutz! But last night...So last night Corby and I were walking Lucy out in the park area on the south side of our community. Well, each section has a gully type thing at the bottom, where kids can play and in the winter the hills are great for sledding! Anyway, Corby and I let Lucy off her leash to run in the bottom of one of those and as Corby and I were heading down the hill to meet up with Lucy I stepped in a hole on the side of the hill and fell head over heels!

I blame those damn gophers! I really don't know if gophers caused the hole really, but as I sit here with my left foot wrapped and swollen I have to blame it on someone and I've blamed a lot of my falls on Lucy so I'm gonna let the gophers take the blame this time.

Or maybe it was my fault for not watching where I was going, but still...I think it's safer to blame the gophers!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Trust in the Brother-in-law

Okay Eric, this is one time when I'm going to say, you were right. Last week I called my brother-in-law to ask him to diagnosis our computer problem, it wasn't a virus or anything like I thought it was or could've been, no it was exactly what Eric said it was...our hard drive was fried!

Now that we have a "healthy" hard drive I'm able to blog again....

Thanks Eric!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Grown up?

Who decided being a grown up was fun? I mean sure there's no one to tell you when to go to bed and you can decide what to eat and when to eat and the clothes are great. But I ask you who decided it was what we all wanted to become? Sure being married is fun-sometimes-when life is going right for you. I went to the pharmacy today... and then Jeff-yes I'm on a first name basis with them- asks "do you still have the same insurance?" I said yes and then he asks "did you get a new card?" I nodded yes and then he says let me call...the insurance company tells him that my coverage has expired!
With Corby losing his job I knew we needed to pay Cobra in order to keep it, but I thought we were covered for at least another month. According to the insurance company I'M NOT!
Then my printer runs out of ink, there's a virus attacking my computer and I still have to pay my utilities and my mortgage! No sure I'm gonna have all that I need to get it done! Ugh! Then I have to figure out how to go to Lava with Corby's family! I just want to throw myself down and cry like a two year old. Somehow I think at 30 it wouldn't be acceptable.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Vacation Debate?

(This is a scene where Roxy and Pamela make up after fighting)
Again a scene from Army wives, one day I'll post pictures of real people in my life, until then deal with it)
So Corby and I have been debating over whether to go to Lava Hot Springs with hs family for the entire week or wether we should either not go at all or only go for the weekend. Every two years his family goes up there because their extended family shares a condo through each of his Dad's siblings. One year it's Gma and Gpa Merchant, one year it's Pam and Wayne one year get my point. Well this year it's Corby's family's turn. Because Corby only recently got a job and hasn't been there that long, I'm unsure if he should take the time off and go for the week. True he only works four days a week, but still..I'm not sure I can justify spending over 500 dollars for a hotel room to stay the week when we've just gotten a good source of income.

Please ya'll help me come up with a good way to explain my side..because whatever I seem to say makes things worse.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mad Scientist

This has nothing to do with the post, I'm just a sucker for a man in uniform...yum! (I'm obsessed with Army Wives, I just can't help it)
So when I married Corby I never imagined that he would be empolyed and unemployed then employed then unempolyed then empolyed and then unemployed and then emplyed again. Twice to the same company in the almost five years we've been married. But now, being married to a 'mad scientist' well I just don't know.

Most of you I assume got my email about Corby's first day... For those who didn't picture this...

Corby dressed in a lab coat, adorn with something to cover his head, his shoes are covered, gloves and protective eyewear.

Hehe... I do love you sweetie... it's just picturing you like this something I'd have to see

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Insane Sandman

Okay, so the sandman has taken a liking to influence my dreams these days... and he's playing dirty. Last night I dreamt that Corby and I lived in Seattle(which is not the wierd part, cause I'd like to live there someday). Most of you know that Corby started his job today(march 4), so in my dream he had to take the ferry to get to the building he worked at..He was still going to be working for Watson...anyway he missed the last ferry to get him there on he heads back home. When he gets home(which bytheway we lived in the same house we live in South Jordan, without the HOA) I ask him what he's doing home and I freaked out cuz I knew he was going to be let go if he didn't show up.
So we go back to meet the next ferry and it turns out there's not anotherfor an hour.So then here comes the wierd part, we jump into the water and the two of us swam to the building on top of the hill. It looked a lot like the building where Grey's Anatomy is filmed.
SIDE NOTE...(Yes Grey's Anatomy is filmed in Seattle)...I found that when we were going to the cruise ship and the bus driver told us some things about the city.

Well, this made sense to me, it being a hospital setting because Corby's job is medicalish..

Then when the two of us get there he kisses me and says I'll meet you at the open air market after work. I head there and all of the sudden there's my dad and Jake...They had come to get a hunting dog.Why they came to Seattle to get a hunting dog I'm still trying to figure out. They also came to get Jake's deer mount repaired because their dog they have now,Willow tugged on one antler and riped it off. But in real life the guy who did Jake's mount lives in Fountain Green, UT...
Well Corby meets the three of us at the market and helps the boys choose the dog and then we all get in Jake's truck and head back to our house. That's when the phone rang and woke me up. Guess who it was? Corby calling from work.

Tell me ya'll what do you make of that one?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Getting thrown out

Today you are getting two posts... Last night I dreamt that I went to the temple to do a session and as I waited in the chapel I got up to go with the group I was with and a temple worker told me to wait.For some reason I had a card in my hand like you would if you were doing baptisms...Anyway the temple worker told me to wait. She looked at my card and said, "You'll have to come with me." I followed the lady and she escorted me down a long hall to the dressing rooms I guess and then we were met by another temple worker who helped me out of my temple clothes and into my skirt and top and then she told me to follow her.
Then to my surprise she escorted me right out of the front doors of the temple!When I tried to go back in this two rather big guys stood in front of the doors and told me to go home!

What do you make of that?

Not being heard

Last night my dad and brother(Jake) got home from their trip to Las Vegas to see the Nascar races...and well when Corby had got the job working at Watson, my dad was the last to find out and he was hurt because I usually tell him EVERYTHING first, I'm a daddy's girl. Anyway I called his cell phone wondering if he'd even answer, ready to leave a message and surprise he answers.I said that he wasn't the first to know, my mom was but I wanted to tell him that Corby would be starting his job on Wednesday. Then I was asking him if he and Jake had a good time. My voice was gone last night, I mean whisper kind of gone and my dad wasn't able to hear what I said so much so that there were long pauses after everything I said and then he tried to answer what he thought I might have said.
I was so upset that when I got off the phone with him I cried and then cried myself to sleep.

Monday, March 2, 2009


(This is how I felt yesterday when Corby got "the call" to start work: scence from the final episode of season 1-where Roxy and Trevor are at the park with their kids, TJ and Finn)
So yesterday when I posted the 'lonely blogger' entry I was feeling kind of down because Corby hadn't heard about his job yet...But the truth is I'm obsessed with blogging!I'm more faithful to this than I am my own journal...

On the plus side I think things are starting to turn around for us...knock on wood. Corby starts his job on Wed.(this wednesday, March 4th)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lonely blogger

So I might just give up on blogging all together... although it is fun...I rarely get responses from anyone out in cyberspace.


(Final epoisode from season one of Army wives where Trevor says his final goodbye before getting on the bus to go to Iraq)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Lucy's Friday the 13th

So on Thursday nights I bowl on a league with my mom, my sister Erin and my friend Sarah(aka Sarahpie), well Sarah recently adopted two kittens from the humane society and well now we share our pet woes and adventures with each other.It's nice because Erin has no interest in pets(if that's your thing more power to ya), so she doesn't get as much out of the stories as Sarah and my mom do.

Anway...I was telling Sarah and Erin about Lucy's disasterous Friday the 13th. And now I'll tell you...
Lucy hates to get her nails clipped, but because she lives in the house the majority of the time they tend to grow long than if she was an outside dog.Corby and I decided to go get dog food at IFA and while we were there I found a nail clipper that I thought I might be able to use, it had a sensor thing to detect when I was cutting too close or when I was okay to cut... I decieded to start with one claw first her fifth claw, which is furthur up her ankle than on her paw.Well, the light was green when I put it on her nail and then as I was in mid cut it turned red.
There was a good reason it turned red, Ihad cut way too close and now blood was pouring out of this nerve that I looked like I had cut someone up by the amount of blood soaking through the paper towels.
I called my dad as usual and asked him what to do...I was hysterical...after getting off the phone with him I told Corby to keep her comfortable and that I was going to the pet store to get some antiseptic stuff to help stop it from bleeding anymore.
When I got back I found my dad's pathfinder in the driveway.He came and put super glue on the end of the nerve and it seemed to stop it.Few!
It didn't end there.She went outside to use the potty and then as she was coming back in we see bloody paw prints on the tile,on the carpet and in the kitchen. The glue didn't dry enough and therefore it bleed down her leg and as she walked it continued to bleed.
Later that night my dad came back and reglued it and then she was able to walk without it bleeding all over.Now though if you even try to come near her nails she jumps...poor Lucy

Let me tell ya, I had a friday the 13th movie going on in my house that day. I told Corby there is a reason I don't do anything on Friday the 13th. BAD things have happened the last couple years on those days. I recovered from a horrible seizure on one of those days and the same day my parents puppy Willow was caught under a piece of pliewood that had blown over and she broke her paw...there's a list... On the NEXT friday the 13th I don't think I'll ever get out of bed.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

8 Things

So I saw this on my friend Sarahpie's blog and thought it might be fun to see if I could answer the items
here are the rules
1-Post the rules on blog
2-Answer five 8 item questions
3-post comment on blog of people you tag

Favorite TV Shows
1-Army Wives
2-One Tree Hill
4-Saving Grace
5-The Closer
6-CSI Miami
7-Clean House
8-House Hunters
(the last two I usually watch at my mom's)

8 things I did yesterday
1-got my blood drawn
2-got a candy bar and dt.coke afterwards
3-bickered with Corby
4-let Lucy out
5-let Lucy in
6-made filefolder games for my class next year(it's an elementary thing)
7-Hung out with Corby
8- got dinner

8 things I'm looking foward to
1-teaching again
2-Corby starting his job
3-having the mortgage paid for another month
4-getting the home owners fees paid
5-riping out the grass on the side of the house and replacing it with pavers(it's a mud bog thanks to my four legged child)
6-going bowling
7-going to dinner afterward with the girls and possibly Corby
8-spending time with Corby and Lucy

8 favorite resturants
1-Olive Garden
2-Johnny Carinos
3-Cafe Rio
4-Red Robin
5-Jason's Deli
6-Hires(Is that considerd a resturant?)
8-Red Lobster

8 things on my wish list
1-Having a family someday
2-seeing my grandpa again
3-living comfortably(not rich, I just want to be able to afford things that I want-like a vacation away from reality)
4-that Corby will be able to keep a job for more than 4 months-stupid economy
5-hearing my children laughing
6-having my friends stop hiding things from me just because of my present trials
7-see number 2 and replace it with grandma
8-to get my voice back
(Number 8 was something I hope happens soon)

Boy some of that was difficult... lets see how the rest of you do

I tag Kaeloni, Shilo and Chesney and any others who might read this blog

Permission Slip

Okay so for the past year and a half almost I receive a request from the DMV to have my doctor sign a form in order to for me to continue driving. It's almost like a permission slip of sorts. Anyway, my neurologist's office calls the other day to inform me that the only way he'll sign the paper is if I go get my blood drawn to see if the levels of my medication are where they're suppose to be. Yipee! I go yesterday to have three rarely good size tubes filled with my blood in order to make my doctor happy.
Well after I came home, I drove myself--dumb idea. I was so sick I wanted to die.I figured dying would make me feel better.Corby still at home, not at work yet--that's another story.Thought, oh who knows what he thought--all he knew is that I was wiped out. Then last night he realized just how sick I was due to this ordeal yesterday...
I don't know if I'm writing this to tell you all or if I just want to vent--probably the latter--but

DR. Black I hope you're happy with the results.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Technology Sometimes

I've spent over an hour trying to post to my sister-in-law Kaeloni's blog. So, in that time Corby missed a call from his new place of employment because the dumb comment wouldn't post.Sorry honey.To Kaeloni-that sounds like some ordeal, I'm glad you got home safely.Remind me to tell you about a diasterous road trip your brother and I took while we were dating.

Well, stay tuned to hear about what Corby missed.

I'm going to leave you with yet another photo from 'Army Wives', this is the first conversation that Trevor has with his family after being deployed to Iraq.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Voiceless


This might be the only form of communication aside from email that you will be receiving from me for awhile. You see I have no voice due to a cold(I hope). Those in my family know all too well
what a pain this is for me so unless you have your ears turned on and you listen hard then you can chance calling me, if not and you still want to call, you'll be getting Corby.

Take Care all you talkers!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's official!

Hey ya'll
It's official, Corby went from his interview and tour today...I thought that meant he would start tomorrow, but apparently he has to wait for some paperwork and the results of his drug test to process and then he'll begin working the middle of next week. (I guess I was too excited and thought that it would be tomorrow, opps)

Anyway, Congrats Corby!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Great News!

Great news! Corby found a new job! He'll be working at Watson Laboratories! He goes on a tour of the facilities tomorrow(Thurs.Feb.19th) and then if he'll be taking his drug test tomorrow, he could start on Friday, the 20th. I'm not sure exactly what he'll be doing but look for further blogs to find out. Hooray for Corby :)

Just thought I'd keep you all posted.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Judgemental Bishop take 2

Okay so I'm putting this to all of you and I'd like your feedback....
Corby has once again lost his job(poor guy). Anyway, we went to our Bishop to ask for some help. We've gone to him once before when times were tough, so we thought that if our family can't help(they've helped so many times before) that we could go to our Bishop again...
I don't know if I was just reading into something or what, but I got the feeling as if my Bishop was judging me. Aren't they suppose to be there to help without judgement?Anyway as I explained our situation he just kept throwing things back in my face, such as "You ought to be grateful for what you have.People in Peru and El Salvador have far less than we do so if you look at it that way, you're doing pretty well". Okay ya I know, I live in a house and have clothes on my back but right now I need some help. Then he says, "You're going to make sure you give back aren't you? You're still going to pay your tithing and fast offerings and help out when you're needed right?" I just nodded my head, but what I wanted to say was that I didn't expect something for nothing.Of course I'm going to help out where I can.

So tell me what's your impression of the conversation?

Judgemental Bishop?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day Boycott

(Sweet moment from my favorite show 'Army Wives'-Roxy and Trevor)

So Corby and I decided to boycott Valentine's day this year, because on Valentine's day a year ago, Corby was let go from his job. Then on Valentine's day morning I get a phone call from my mom inviting us over for dinner and a movie. Although we had already planned somrthing, or rather I had planned to make lasagna and we were going to watch a movie ourselves-a anti love
one. So we go over to my mom's(cause who can resist it when mom offers to feed you, right?)and we have chinese food and get ready to watch the movie, it was "Nights at Rodanthe", if any of you have seen it you know it was far from a anti love movie. For those of you who haven't seen it, there's a love plot to it and the ending is not what you expect. I wound up crying like a baby with my family all watching this with me.

I guess Boycotting Valentine's day didn't work out after all.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

beauty among the darkness

As I was reading my sister-in-laws blog I was reminded of the good stuff that we have even when things look bleak and dark. Corby and I went with my family and Phill's mom Susan to the Draper temple openhouse on the 7th. Even with my poor attitude about life that day, it was amazing to me that as soon as we began our tour I felt peace despite the feelings I had just moments before going into the temple. I think it may be time to go back.
As we ended the tour in one of the sealing rooms, and I looked into the mirrors that seem to go on forever I thought just how lucky I am to know that my family does go on forever.
I think that often times we forget the little good things about our life when our faith is tested.

I am grateful that I have my family and my husband by my side when life gets dark and I don't feel like going on. I want them to know and to all of you that read this to know just how grateful I am for you and your friendship and the love you have for Corby and I.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Trust No One

Can I vent for a moment?I hate people who say they are going to do something and then go back on their word.I'm beginning to think that someone's "word" isn't worth much these days!

Does anyone agree?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sports anyone?

Hey Ya'll,
Does anyone know if the groundhog saw his shadow?Any of you sports fans see the game yesterday?The cardinals should've won I think.That last steelers touchdown should've not been counted if you ask me.
Thanks for the fun night mom!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Okay so when typing on the computer I tend to spell things wrong, sorry Kimala.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

As per request

As per request of a college friend, I am writing about what I've been doing with my life since graduating from SUU in 2003, go Thunderbirds! Well after coming home, I began teaching the August after graduating. I got married to my high school friend, Corby July 16th of 2004 and have been teaching for 5 years. I took a year off from teaching this year after having had heart surgery a year ago. On Dec. 4 of 2007 I was told I had a hole in my heart. So on January 3, 2008 I had it 'plugged' you might say. The doctors inserted a top like mesh disc into the hole and since then the disc has healed over and according to the doctors I am ready to live out the rest of my life quite healthy. Knock on wood.

Corby and I live in South Jordan and have a three year old,with four legs and a tail. She's fun. We adopted Lucy about two years ago and have loved having her as part of our little family. Corby works at Hoyt USA where they manufacture archery bows. He builds the wheels that the string rotates through. Um, what else....

We had some family members pass away within the years we've been married. We live in the house that belonged to my mom's best friend who passed away in Sept.05' Who we miss everyday. My grandpa passed away this past November and Corby's cousin passed away a year ago September. Weddings and deaths and births in the family seem prominent in our lives. We have had 3 nephews born within the time we've been married, Corby's sister Shilo had Alex a month before our wedding four years ago and then came Tyler( Corby's sister Kaeloni's little boy) who's now two and little baby Nate( Shilo's third little boy)was born in April of 2008. Before you ask no, my sister nor I have kids yet.

Our life is pretty boring, if it weren't for family and a few close friends we'd have no social life at all.

So now Kimila I'm re-routing the question to you? What's up in your life since our college days?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Lou's boys names are..
on the left, Cole Stephen
on the right, Caleb


A big congratulations to my friend Lou and his wife ShaLee who just welcomed their new twins into the world on Dec.17th

Take Care you two


the Packard Clan


Yesterday was the birthday of my best friend and grandpa. He would have been 91.

Happy Birthday Papa!

With all my love

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yum! Cotton

I couldn't let Moose get all the fame, I had to include Lucy in our blog too.

So here she is in all her glory after ripping a toy to shreds... I think she likes the cotton more than anything. Don't you?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Moose and Corby

Hey Ya'll,

I'm just trying out how to get photos from my email to my blog. Maybe I'm not so computer illiterate after all.
This is a photo of Corby and our first dog Moose, pretty handsome guys don't ya think?