Friday, January 23, 2009


Okay so when typing on the computer I tend to spell things wrong, sorry Kimala.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

As per request

As per request of a college friend, I am writing about what I've been doing with my life since graduating from SUU in 2003, go Thunderbirds! Well after coming home, I began teaching the August after graduating. I got married to my high school friend, Corby July 16th of 2004 and have been teaching for 5 years. I took a year off from teaching this year after having had heart surgery a year ago. On Dec. 4 of 2007 I was told I had a hole in my heart. So on January 3, 2008 I had it 'plugged' you might say. The doctors inserted a top like mesh disc into the hole and since then the disc has healed over and according to the doctors I am ready to live out the rest of my life quite healthy. Knock on wood.

Corby and I live in South Jordan and have a three year old,with four legs and a tail. She's fun. We adopted Lucy about two years ago and have loved having her as part of our little family. Corby works at Hoyt USA where they manufacture archery bows. He builds the wheels that the string rotates through. Um, what else....

We had some family members pass away within the years we've been married. We live in the house that belonged to my mom's best friend who passed away in Sept.05' Who we miss everyday. My grandpa passed away this past November and Corby's cousin passed away a year ago September. Weddings and deaths and births in the family seem prominent in our lives. We have had 3 nephews born within the time we've been married, Corby's sister Shilo had Alex a month before our wedding four years ago and then came Tyler( Corby's sister Kaeloni's little boy) who's now two and little baby Nate( Shilo's third little boy)was born in April of 2008. Before you ask no, my sister nor I have kids yet.

Our life is pretty boring, if it weren't for family and a few close friends we'd have no social life at all.

So now Kimila I'm re-routing the question to you? What's up in your life since our college days?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Lou's boys names are..
on the left, Cole Stephen
on the right, Caleb


A big congratulations to my friend Lou and his wife ShaLee who just welcomed their new twins into the world on Dec.17th

Take Care you two


the Packard Clan


Yesterday was the birthday of my best friend and grandpa. He would have been 91.

Happy Birthday Papa!

With all my love

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yum! Cotton

I couldn't let Moose get all the fame, I had to include Lucy in our blog too.

So here she is in all her glory after ripping a toy to shreds... I think she likes the cotton more than anything. Don't you?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Moose and Corby

Hey Ya'll,

I'm just trying out how to get photos from my email to my blog. Maybe I'm not so computer illiterate after all.
This is a photo of Corby and our first dog Moose, pretty handsome guys don't ya think?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New year's Hopes

A year ago today, I had heart surgery. Here I am a year later to write about it. Here's my hope to all of you this year, We hope all you and your famililes are healthy and happy.
With love,
Adri and Corby