Saturday, November 7, 2009

down in the dumps

Really, it doesn't matter anymore... nor does the fact that my being a teacher is not going to be a lifelong career for me. These days all a teacher can do is teach-if at all- because most of the time you're trying to keep your class under control-luckily mine is pretty good. Forget about discipline or making a judgement on your own of any kind... parents go to the principal and then you are told that what judgements you made were the wrong ones and trusting what kids say is out of the question because they lie to your face and then tell the principal another story entirely.
Monday I'm going in to talk to the principal after writting a letter beforehand about my allegedly calling a boy a cheater--which in the end his mother got his way and was moved from my class-- and my not reporting an incident right away in which I told by the boys the whole thing was an accident but now I'm wrong there too-because the parents and the boy went to the principal.

I thought I wanted this again... what the hell was I thinking...
My judgements about a lot of things are FUBAB these days!