Thursday, April 10, 2014

potty training adventure

So months ago we bought our lil' man underoos, but he really didn't seem interested in potty training, other than taking off his diaper and making a royal we let the issue go.  Sine then his cousin has gotten potty trained and he tells us he needs to go potty, and went with his cousins while on vacation- even though he was still wearing a diaper.
So over conference weekend we went and bought him more underwear of his choosing and made him a chart,- that first day I thought I was going to loose my mind.  The second day went better thanks to my shout to my friends on facebook. The third day was amazing, we went to the store and he made it from the garden center inside.
The fourth day he fought me and wouldn't go at all and then locked himself in his room and we weren't able to get him out.  We finally had to coax him out when he woke up.
Now Today, day 5
two accidents and then he disappears, so I'm thinking "oh now we have a third", and as I start to go looking for him I hear the toliet flush and a triumphant smile on Carson's face.  He had done it for the first time by himself!

I have thought all week that this is a test is who is more patient, but to see that joy on his face was so worth all the frustration.