Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Little Man and his daddy

So I made an attempt to go to church today even after having had several seizures yesterday, because I felt really good this morning.  No problems before church, so I got ready and went, but there was something about the stuff they had used to resurface the gym floor with that made my head fuzzy and before I knew it, my sweet neighbor was helping me to the car.

My cute little man was telling this sweet neighbor, "This way Chris, we're over this way." Then he says to Corby, "Hurray daddy, get the door open for mommy."  Then as always after I have a seizure he asks, "You okay mommy?" and gives me a kiss

Friday, April 19, 2013

Looking back

Just two short years ago 3 weeks earlier than I had planned, God planned to bring Carson into my life.  I had gone home from work one night planning to get things ready for my sub because my doctor had said, "I think we're going to go ahead and take him early with all the fluid that you have building up."  I never did make it to school to start planning for that sub, because at 1:30 the next morning I went to the hospital and began the Long labor  of bringing Carson into the world.
Things have not been easy with Carson, he's been in the hospital once or twice and gets croup more than I want to think about.  We have a very unique relationship with our pediatrician but I wouldn't change any of it.
Recently my mom was telling me about a teacher at her school who's wife gave birth over Spring Break and the baby has had so many problems being born early that he (the teacher) hasn't wanted to become attached for fear of the worst.  Their baby isn't gaining the weight he needs to.
When my sister-in-law Kaeloni  found out she was having a November baby I gave most of the clothes Carson grew out of to her, but today I took a bag of the preemie clothes that Carson wore and enclosed a note hoping that his son grew out of just as quickly. 
I hope that this couple gets to return those clothes to me and gets to experience the milestone that we
have with Carson.      

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Funny Things kids say

Some of you may remember the show, Kids Say the Darnedest Things....  My little man could've been a contestant on the show a few days ago when his daddy changed the calendar. 
In the time that I've known Corby and throughout our almost nine years of marriage my hubby has always had a Country Music Hall of Fame calendar and this year is no exception. 
March's Picture was of Ms. Miranda Lambert
and Carson asked me one day, "Who Dat?" I told him and he repeated Miranda Lambert.  Everyday he saw this picture on our bedroom wall.... until the 31st roll around.  Carson came into our room to have his bedtime story read and got the shock of his tiny life, Miranda Lambert's picture was gone!
He put his hands on his face and said in a very distraught tone, like she had died,  "Miranda Lambert
gone!"  He woke up the next morning and told Grandma and uncle Bubba the same thing in the same tone!

He went around telling everyone that and then one Sunday The ACM's were on, for those of you who don't know, they are the American Country Music Awards... Miranda Lambert was on and Carson saw her on there and said with an astonished voiced, "Miranda Lambert Back, yay!