Friday, February 27, 2009

Lucy's Friday the 13th

So on Thursday nights I bowl on a league with my mom, my sister Erin and my friend Sarah(aka Sarahpie), well Sarah recently adopted two kittens from the humane society and well now we share our pet woes and adventures with each other.It's nice because Erin has no interest in pets(if that's your thing more power to ya), so she doesn't get as much out of the stories as Sarah and my mom do.

Anway...I was telling Sarah and Erin about Lucy's disasterous Friday the 13th. And now I'll tell you...
Lucy hates to get her nails clipped, but because she lives in the house the majority of the time they tend to grow long than if she was an outside dog.Corby and I decided to go get dog food at IFA and while we were there I found a nail clipper that I thought I might be able to use, it had a sensor thing to detect when I was cutting too close or when I was okay to cut... I decieded to start with one claw first her fifth claw, which is furthur up her ankle than on her paw.Well, the light was green when I put it on her nail and then as I was in mid cut it turned red.
There was a good reason it turned red, Ihad cut way too close and now blood was pouring out of this nerve that I looked like I had cut someone up by the amount of blood soaking through the paper towels.
I called my dad as usual and asked him what to do...I was hysterical...after getting off the phone with him I told Corby to keep her comfortable and that I was going to the pet store to get some antiseptic stuff to help stop it from bleeding anymore.
When I got back I found my dad's pathfinder in the driveway.He came and put super glue on the end of the nerve and it seemed to stop it.Few!
It didn't end there.She went outside to use the potty and then as she was coming back in we see bloody paw prints on the tile,on the carpet and in the kitchen. The glue didn't dry enough and therefore it bleed down her leg and as she walked it continued to bleed.
Later that night my dad came back and reglued it and then she was able to walk without it bleeding all over.Now though if you even try to come near her nails she jumps...poor Lucy

Let me tell ya, I had a friday the 13th movie going on in my house that day. I told Corby there is a reason I don't do anything on Friday the 13th. BAD things have happened the last couple years on those days. I recovered from a horrible seizure on one of those days and the same day my parents puppy Willow was caught under a piece of pliewood that had blown over and she broke her paw...there's a list... On the NEXT friday the 13th I don't think I'll ever get out of bed.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

8 Things

So I saw this on my friend Sarahpie's blog and thought it might be fun to see if I could answer the items
here are the rules
1-Post the rules on blog
2-Answer five 8 item questions
3-post comment on blog of people you tag

Favorite TV Shows
1-Army Wives
2-One Tree Hill
4-Saving Grace
5-The Closer
6-CSI Miami
7-Clean House
8-House Hunters
(the last two I usually watch at my mom's)

8 things I did yesterday
1-got my blood drawn
2-got a candy bar and dt.coke afterwards
3-bickered with Corby
4-let Lucy out
5-let Lucy in
6-made filefolder games for my class next year(it's an elementary thing)
7-Hung out with Corby
8- got dinner

8 things I'm looking foward to
1-teaching again
2-Corby starting his job
3-having the mortgage paid for another month
4-getting the home owners fees paid
5-riping out the grass on the side of the house and replacing it with pavers(it's a mud bog thanks to my four legged child)
6-going bowling
7-going to dinner afterward with the girls and possibly Corby
8-spending time with Corby and Lucy

8 favorite resturants
1-Olive Garden
2-Johnny Carinos
3-Cafe Rio
4-Red Robin
5-Jason's Deli
6-Hires(Is that considerd a resturant?)
8-Red Lobster

8 things on my wish list
1-Having a family someday
2-seeing my grandpa again
3-living comfortably(not rich, I just want to be able to afford things that I want-like a vacation away from reality)
4-that Corby will be able to keep a job for more than 4 months-stupid economy
5-hearing my children laughing
6-having my friends stop hiding things from me just because of my present trials
7-see number 2 and replace it with grandma
8-to get my voice back
(Number 8 was something I hope happens soon)

Boy some of that was difficult... lets see how the rest of you do

I tag Kaeloni, Shilo and Chesney and any others who might read this blog

Permission Slip

Okay so for the past year and a half almost I receive a request from the DMV to have my doctor sign a form in order to for me to continue driving. It's almost like a permission slip of sorts. Anyway, my neurologist's office calls the other day to inform me that the only way he'll sign the paper is if I go get my blood drawn to see if the levels of my medication are where they're suppose to be. Yipee! I go yesterday to have three rarely good size tubes filled with my blood in order to make my doctor happy.
Well after I came home, I drove myself--dumb idea. I was so sick I wanted to die.I figured dying would make me feel better.Corby still at home, not at work yet--that's another story.Thought, oh who knows what he thought--all he knew is that I was wiped out. Then last night he realized just how sick I was due to this ordeal yesterday...
I don't know if I'm writing this to tell you all or if I just want to vent--probably the latter--but

DR. Black I hope you're happy with the results.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Technology Sometimes

I've spent over an hour trying to post to my sister-in-law Kaeloni's blog. So, in that time Corby missed a call from his new place of employment because the dumb comment wouldn't post.Sorry honey.To Kaeloni-that sounds like some ordeal, I'm glad you got home safely.Remind me to tell you about a diasterous road trip your brother and I took while we were dating.

Well, stay tuned to hear about what Corby missed.

I'm going to leave you with yet another photo from 'Army Wives', this is the first conversation that Trevor has with his family after being deployed to Iraq.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Voiceless


This might be the only form of communication aside from email that you will be receiving from me for awhile. You see I have no voice due to a cold(I hope). Those in my family know all too well
what a pain this is for me so unless you have your ears turned on and you listen hard then you can chance calling me, if not and you still want to call, you'll be getting Corby.

Take Care all you talkers!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's official!

Hey ya'll
It's official, Corby went from his interview and tour today...I thought that meant he would start tomorrow, but apparently he has to wait for some paperwork and the results of his drug test to process and then he'll begin working the middle of next week. (I guess I was too excited and thought that it would be tomorrow, opps)

Anyway, Congrats Corby!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Great News!

Great news! Corby found a new job! He'll be working at Watson Laboratories! He goes on a tour of the facilities tomorrow(Thurs.Feb.19th) and then if he'll be taking his drug test tomorrow, he could start on Friday, the 20th. I'm not sure exactly what he'll be doing but look for further blogs to find out. Hooray for Corby :)

Just thought I'd keep you all posted.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Judgemental Bishop take 2

Okay so I'm putting this to all of you and I'd like your feedback....
Corby has once again lost his job(poor guy). Anyway, we went to our Bishop to ask for some help. We've gone to him once before when times were tough, so we thought that if our family can't help(they've helped so many times before) that we could go to our Bishop again...
I don't know if I was just reading into something or what, but I got the feeling as if my Bishop was judging me. Aren't they suppose to be there to help without judgement?Anyway as I explained our situation he just kept throwing things back in my face, such as "You ought to be grateful for what you have.People in Peru and El Salvador have far less than we do so if you look at it that way, you're doing pretty well". Okay ya I know, I live in a house and have clothes on my back but right now I need some help. Then he says, "You're going to make sure you give back aren't you? You're still going to pay your tithing and fast offerings and help out when you're needed right?" I just nodded my head, but what I wanted to say was that I didn't expect something for nothing.Of course I'm going to help out where I can.

So tell me what's your impression of the conversation?

Judgemental Bishop?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day Boycott

(Sweet moment from my favorite show 'Army Wives'-Roxy and Trevor)

So Corby and I decided to boycott Valentine's day this year, because on Valentine's day a year ago, Corby was let go from his job. Then on Valentine's day morning I get a phone call from my mom inviting us over for dinner and a movie. Although we had already planned somrthing, or rather I had planned to make lasagna and we were going to watch a movie ourselves-a anti love
one. So we go over to my mom's(cause who can resist it when mom offers to feed you, right?)and we have chinese food and get ready to watch the movie, it was "Nights at Rodanthe", if any of you have seen it you know it was far from a anti love movie. For those of you who haven't seen it, there's a love plot to it and the ending is not what you expect. I wound up crying like a baby with my family all watching this with me.

I guess Boycotting Valentine's day didn't work out after all.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

beauty among the darkness

As I was reading my sister-in-laws blog I was reminded of the good stuff that we have even when things look bleak and dark. Corby and I went with my family and Phill's mom Susan to the Draper temple openhouse on the 7th. Even with my poor attitude about life that day, it was amazing to me that as soon as we began our tour I felt peace despite the feelings I had just moments before going into the temple. I think it may be time to go back.
As we ended the tour in one of the sealing rooms, and I looked into the mirrors that seem to go on forever I thought just how lucky I am to know that my family does go on forever.
I think that often times we forget the little good things about our life when our faith is tested.

I am grateful that I have my family and my husband by my side when life gets dark and I don't feel like going on. I want them to know and to all of you that read this to know just how grateful I am for you and your friendship and the love you have for Corby and I.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Trust No One

Can I vent for a moment?I hate people who say they are going to do something and then go back on their word.I'm beginning to think that someone's "word" isn't worth much these days!

Does anyone agree?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sports anyone?

Hey Ya'll,
Does anyone know if the groundhog saw his shadow?Any of you sports fans see the game yesterday?The cardinals should've won I think.That last steelers touchdown should've not been counted if you ask me.
Thanks for the fun night mom!