Saturday, October 26, 2013

October crafts

So this month I have been very crafty...
First, my mom and Erin and I spent 3 hours making this wreath

 I'm pretty proud of myself, although I do have to confess that Erin and my mom spent most of the time helping me tie the 100 yards of tulle while I cut theirs.  Tulle is such fun stuff to cut, not!
Then I made this banner with my card friends, which took me just about as long...
But it turned out okay, I might just try next month  banner too.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall Break with My Boys

My hubby bless his heart felt that because my family was going away for Fall Break, that he'd take some time off and be home with Carson and I.  So we took advantage of the time and took Carson to his most favorite place- Hogle Zoo on Wednesday and then met up with all of his cousins-- one set on Thursday and the other set on Friday, but all of them at the same place-- Gardner Village! 

Daddy and Carson at Hogle Zoo

Gray and White Wolves just outside Reptile house

Day 1 at Gardner Village with  Xavier & Zayne,
(Xavier was Camera Shy with the hat on and they wouldn't get out of the strollers) 

Day 2 at Gardner Village: Tanis and Carson

All The grandkids- don't they all look like they are having fun?

All smiles

Rival cousins? No, it just so happens we like Rival teams, 16-13 baby!

Sweet smiles from a sweet boy!