Monday, June 4, 2012

My week since memorial day

This past memorial day... my family held a yard sale, which turned out to be a pretty good success. Each participating family came away from the sale with have sold something.  Then Corby and I met up with his family to visit his grandma Merchant's grave and in the 45 minutes to the hour we were visited with family we both got burned
Luckily, it was just the two of us.  About an hour later we made our way out to WestValley to Grandma Alaine and Grandpa Lance's.  It's tradition every year to walk the mile from their house to the cemetery where most of my family and my MIL's father and cousin are buried.  By the time we returned for the BBQ, Corby and I were fried!  According to my SIL, I  matched the shirt I was wearing that day.

Tuesday- I woke up with a sore throat and a headache

Wednesday- Spend the day with hot and cold chills-didn't get out of my pj's

Thursday- See repeat of Wednesday

Friday- Shaking uncontrollably-went to the instacare- was told it was just a virus and was insulted by the doctor because I wore jammie pants
Saturday- Missed my niece Makayla's 2nd Birthday because I didn't feel good still, glad I was home though when Corby called in distress-he'd blown a tire coming home from Makayla's.  So dad and I went out to where they were stranded. It was a scary experience for Carson as his grandpa and dad jacked up the car and tried to get the spare off, which in the 9 years I've owned it has not been on the ground until now. It was a long night!

Sunday- felt well enough to walk with my boys and Lucy to the Park.

I hope this week goes better...We signed both the boys up for swim lessons- they start this Saturday the 9th...with the way Carson loves to "swim" in grandma's jetted tub-it should be fun!