Sunday, April 15, 2012

Seeing spots

This is nothing to smile about

There are more other places too, but you'll have to use your imagination to see those
 For about 14days my little man has suffered with what one doctor believed to be pneumonia and prescribed amoxocillin.  This past Wednesday the 11th, he was still congested and by then had broken out in a rash...So PopPop(grandpa Mike) came to get us to take us to see the pediatrician.  Dr. Nagle wasn't there, she was one vacation, so we saw Dr. Esham... she said the then spotty rash was a side effect of the antibiotic that he'd been taking but didn't need to be taking, because what he has is likely RSV(bronchilitis) which doesn't require antibiotics. Viruses are tricky things to treat.  Does anyone know when babies get too "OLD" to get RSV?  Carson's had bronchilitis or RSV twice now.
I sure hope after going back in on Friday because the rash had turned into this(see pictures above) that with daily does of benadryl it will fade and go away quickly--  Frankly this boy and his mama are getting tired of being cooped up.  Carson misses and would like to play with his cousins.... anyone up for a play date after we get moved in May?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012 and life

It's wierd to think that Easter was just this past Sunday because in my world it feels like it's been over since the weekend of the 31st.  That's when the Packards/Harrisons and these Merchants had our first Easter egghunt in my parents backyard.
It was sure fun to wtch the boys hunt for the eggs, the pictures that mama got weren't all that spectatular but we had a good time.

in other news....  since my last post, the potential buyer came back and lowered the cost of what he wanted for the repairs...  We are now in the process of finalizing the sale and need to be out by May 3rd!  My poor baby boy has been sick for going on 12 days now, and we were told it was pneuomia and were given amoxillician, but then today he broke out in a rash and so back to the doctor we went. It was a Sunday when he was seen before so we went to the kidscare, not his awesome doctor... Turns out he didn't need the antibotic- he didn't have pneumonia he has a virus similar to RSV... The reason for the rash-- his body way of dealing with the unnecessary meds. 

Enjoy pictures of the 2012 Easter egg hunt pre rash

already on the lookout for eggs even before Xavier and Uncle Phill, Uncle Bigdog, Pop Pop and Willow get  back in through the gate

He knows what to do-if I open them up I find goodies inside

Man, the difference 4 months makes- Xavier looks so much older standing there

it loks as if the foam basketball is floating, maybe it's magic, cool trick Carson!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

As My World Turns

My life could be a soap opera these days, the only difference is I don't get paid the milions per episode where the plot thickens or takes a drastic turn in the script.On Monday I was having my home inspected to finish the sale of the home and then yesterday my realtor called to tell me that the buyer wanted Corby and I to give him more money to replace or repair a list of things.  My realtor and I agreed the smart thing to do would be to put my home back on the market to avoid having to give the prospective buyer the $5,000 more he wanted on top of the $5, 000 we'd already agreed to give in closing costs when we agreed to sale our home to him.
Some people are so your own if your that picky!  Now it's back to showing the house again...hopefully it won't take long to find another interested buyer.
If anyone knows someone looking for a reasonably good priced home, send 'em our way!   

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

First dentist visit

Today was Carson's first visit to the dentist and my opinion of dentists have changed some--the pediatric kind are cool!  Adult dentists still suck!  Funny thing we found out both Xavier and Carson have  two teeth that have grown together into one tooth... it will likely go away when their baby teeth fall out and then not be a problem. 
Carson left his first visit with a cape and a mask(not so very fond of the mask though), a cool toothbrush, and a helicopter as a prize... I want my son's dentist!  I managed to get a picture of Carson in the cape with the aid of Daddy.

Burg Pediatric Dentistry--free publicity