Friday, March 30, 2012

The days of our Lives... our just since last Saturday

Like sands through the hour glass so are the days of our lives... Just kidding...
Well, for thouse of you who aren't aware, we are sellling our house, and for those of you who don't know there was an offer made while we were celebrating Bubba's 30th birthday a week ago(the 24th)... and now for those of you who aren't up to speed we countered his offerr of $230,000 and said 240, 000.  He accepted yay!  Monday morning we were supposed to meet with the realtor, instead Corby took me to the ER and Carson to his Uncle BigDog. 
With all that's gone on lately I chose to ignore the pain in my abdomen thinking I knew what it was and that I could just wait it out after all that's what I have to do anyway even with having gone to the ER-- but maybe it was a good thing I did go because not only do I have a cyst on my ovary(was what I thought it was) but the ER called me yesterday with a perscription ready to send to my local pharmacy because I in addition to the cyst I have a urinary track infection.
The meeting with the realtor took place still on Monday in the ER, I wonder if that was a first?  Carson had a good time with uncle and even got to see Pop Pop(grandpa Mike) that day too when grandpa had to bring him to the hospital when uncle had to go to school.  

The boys(X and Carson) are grearing up for an Easter egg hunt at grandma and Pop pop's before the priesthood session.  The Harrison's are headed to Vegas for a Family Reunion on the Yeardly side and won't be home for the hunt so grandma thought it would be fun to fill plastic eggs with money so that each boy could fill their banks to go to Disneyland and Vegas.

Enjoy the pictures of Easter's past

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Master of the Stairs

For months now we've had a make shift gate up preventing Carson from falling down the stairs...because of the showings we have to take the gate off... so yesterday Carson figured out how to go up and down... When I woke up this morning this is what I found....
With daddy supervising of course

It's a good thing that he's mastering the stairs now because when we move in with my mom and dad we will be living in the basement.

March's snowfall

all smiles

unsure of what to think of the snow

"Help I can't see"

The saying is true I think... March comes in like a lion.... and hopefully goes out like a lamb. Carson experienced his first snow fall where he was able to walk around in it. Last week, the photographer came Tuesday morning to take pictures of the house and by that night there was tons of snow on the ground. I thought as I have other times when it has snowed that it would just melt by the time Corby got home from work on Wednesday but it didn't.

Later that day Carson heard the garage door go up and went to the back door and waited for his daddy like always, but he never came through the door. So I bundled us up and went to investigate. Corby was shoveling the driveway. I went back inside and got Carson in his snow pants and took him back outside to help daddy. Daddy took time out of his shoveling to have some fun in the snow with Carson.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A decision has been made

After months of mulling it over and pretending everything was all right when it isn't, we have made the decision to sell our home. The dream of home owndership is once again just a dream. I always worried when we had a family who our little one would play with... now I don't have to, moving in with my family gives Carson a chance to hopefully make friends with the neighbors kids. Hopefully make lasting frienships.

I only hope that everything will turn out okay in the end

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A shout out to Jake aka BigDog

Pic 1- me and Jake

Pic2- Erin, Jake and I on mom and dad's bed(Jake was 2 maybe)

Pic3- Oct.2011- a tired Carson snuggled up to his best bud

So I don't know what to write really, I just felt the need to write. For those of you who know my family, you know that my brother Jake and I have not always had the greatest relationship... in fact both he and I have bite mark scars to prove it. It's true what they say I think as you grow older your relationship with your siblings change. They no longer annoy you, they become your friend. I think that's true with Jake and I, sure we still can get on each other's nerves but he has been such a wonderful "Uncle Bigdog" to both Xavier and Carson.

He has come to my rescue more than once when my health has been bad to help care for Carson. The two of them are best buds. We can joke around more and he's even using Me as a tutor now that that he's gone back to school... I think it's because I work for free.

My mama's baby will turn 30 this month! All I have to say is, ' Hats off to you Mom! Ya done good!'