Saturday, March 9, 2013

Big no more!

When we moved in with my parents most of you know the three of us shared the guest room while they finished the basement for us... well when the time came to move into his own room again  Carson was less than trilled.  I think it was because it was because the basement scared him, well since about November we've been sharing a bed. 

When we purchased nursery furniture in the beginning, we chose the convertible crib, that way we would only have to purchase a few things instead of a new bed for each stage of growth.  So today we converted his bed to the Toddler stage and now my little man can get in and out on his own and boy was he thrilled!
Just look at these pictures...

 My baby is a baby no more, he's got his big boy bed and a smile from ear to ear.... whether he sleeps there tonight and stays there will take baby steps!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Toothbrush carwash

Last night my parents and uncle Bubba took their annual trip to Vegas to see the Nascar races, and now that we live with them this year's trip was a little more tramatic for Carson.  Carson REFUSED to take his nap yesterday until he saw Muga aka grandma... well after they left after four o'clock he crashed on the living room rug for about an hour, but unfortunately when he woke up his daddy who had been there when he had fallen asleep wasn't there, because he had left to get us something to eat.

Oh my he had a momentary freak out, because his Muga and Papa and Bubba were gone and now his daddy, he stubbled around the house still sleepy crying and as I tried to reassure him-nothing worked until we gave him his toothbrush before going to bed.
 After brushing his teeth he used his tooth brush to clean his favorite jeep!  Then he brought both the jeep and the brush to me and said "Wash, need water."
So I told him after I "washed the car" that it would have to stay in our special overnight carwash to dry, which he said ok to and left the car on the counter and went to our room to have us read him his bedtime story.

Tooth paste makes for a pretty good wax huh?