Saturday, April 16, 2011

What a month!

Personally and professionally this month has been very trying! I started the month out with a bang, I had a seizure while driving home from work! The good Lord only knows how I was able to stop the car, not crash it or into anyone. Then the following week the 6th I had another while at home, Corby wasn't home and so my mom and dad came to they rescue as the always do. I love my family! Now the doctor wants to hospitalize me and video tape me for three days to I guess find out the cause of my having seizures while on meds--yippee! This week the 18th through the 22nd is spring break- a week of relaxing and taking Carson and Erin's baby Xavier to see the Easter Bunny :) I love celebrating holidays with a baby, I get to feel like a kid again myself. Stay tuned for pictures!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Update on Tiny & Uncle Jake's Birthday- First bowling experience

The results at the end of game 2--X and Tiny's score of 100- not too shabby
Xavier really got the hang of it after awhile"Okay mom, I'm ready"
The result of Tiny's ball- yes there are only five left
Waiting for mom to give him the ball
Tiny sitting on a bowling ball
For all those who are interested-- I took Tiny to the pediatrician for his four months shots--he now weighs 11.9 pounds! He is doing great- a great relief to all the family!

On Mar. 24th was Uncle Jake's birthday, so we all got together the following Saturday and went bowling and to lunch after... I can't tell you how fun it was to take the little ones bowling with us...Tiny and Xman did great--in the end the result was pretty good... they are only four and eight months old...

Here are some pictures...