Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tiny is no longer tiny

Tilt your head to the left and you'll be able to see it horizontally... Can't figure out how to change it. Here's tiny enjoying rice cereal at Grandma Char's at Easter

We need a new nickname for our Tiny guy- he's not so tiny anymore... at his six month checkup yesterday he is now, 14 lbs. 6 oz and 25 inches long.... my dad suggested Tubby... Today we tried to feed him apples and boy the look on his face was priceless... he got one thing from his mama, apples that taste like applesauce are yucky!


My First Easter( and yes he wore that to church) :D

Yes that is Tiny eating the cardboard that his new shoes are attached to.

I just realized that I never did post the Easter bunny pictures, nor did I post any of Tiny's first Easter... Let me remedy that with this post....

My little man with the Easterbunny

Xavier and Carson

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

first mother's day

My first mother's day was not what I had expected--On Saturday the 7th dad took my mom, Erin, me,Jake, Corby and the boys to a Bees game where my dad bid on #31's pink jersey and won the jersey for my mom! Back when she played in college her number was 31 and she was also the catcher on her team! watching the game or rather grandma Char

The little boys seemed to have fun, even Xavier wore his pink knock cancer out of the park shirt that they were giving away that night. Arent't they adorable?