Friday, February 24, 2012

Jumping the Gun?

Here's a picture that signifies spring to me... my little man in shades... what a cool dude! I may be jumping the gun in changing my background from valentine's to St. Parick's-but March always reminds me of spring and as I look out my window right now I see no indication of winter any more. Although as I was reading posts on facebok yesterday a friend who lives in Wyoming said they were experiencing a rather bad snow storm... go figure.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Worst Mom Award

And the Winner of the Worst Mom Award goes to Adri! I read my SIL Shilo's blog about her valentine's day and how she said that she didn't do anything big for her kids for the lovy holiday- she did bake cookies and had the kids decorate them... that's not nothing! It's more than I did, I made Corby a valentine from both Carson and myself and I made dinner-whoopie!

Gotta make a bigger deal next year when he can really know what's going on.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Funny things I get to witness

Yesterday I was watching Carson play with a toy he gotten for his birthday... it's a Musical, pop dinosaur, when you put the balls in it the belly they pop up and down and then eventually go down the Dino's open mouth... This what I found in there... a stacking peg and a CD case along with the many ball jumping around. He was so proud of himself.

Then later when we were in the office I found Tiny "loving" Lucy. That dog has the patience of Job with that little guy.

This morning Tiny, who isn't so Tiny anymore and is walking with the aid of furniture crawled into the kitchen where I was by the dishwasher, he pulled himself up with the aid of my pant leg and he reached as far as he could and was able to turn on the dishwasher! Maybe he thought daddy hadn't run it last night, or he just wanted to see if he could make it turn, either way he was successful. Now the dishes are extra clean.

(Wish I had a picture of that one, but I couldn't move as Tiny was underfoot)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

About Carson

I was reading my SIL's blog and saw that she had interviewed her kids and thought what a cute idea it was... So Kaeloni, I hope you don't mind but I thought I might do the same about Carson. Here it goes...

Carson 15 months old

Q1 What is your favorite color?

A: Red just like my daddy

Q2 What is your favorite food?

any pasta that I can pick up

Q3 Where is your favorite place to go?


Q4 What is your favorite thing to do outside?

Go for a stroll in my stroller while mama and daddy walk Lucy

Q5 What is your favorite song?

Anything I can dance and sing to

Q6 Who are your favorite friends?
Jake, Logan, and Makayla

Q7 What is your favorite game?

Once upon a monster

Q8 What is your favorite book?

The Napping House

Q9 What is your favorite sport?

Anything with a ball

Q10 What is your favorite TV show?

Whatever mama is watching

Q11 Who is the coolest person on earth?

Unc Jake

Q12 What is your favorite thing about school?

not in school yet

Q13 What is your favorite movie?

Whatever mama is watching

Q14 What is your favorite candy?

Anything chocolate

Q15 What is your favorite fruit?


Q16 What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?

peanut butter sandwiches

Q17 What is your favorite outfit to wear

anything red

Q18 what is your favorite animal?
a monkey

Q19 What is your favorite drink?

my vanilla milk

Q20 What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas ( I like lights)

Q21 What is your favorite toy to take to bed at night?
Mr. Bright eyes, spot and spike

Q22 What do you like for breakfast?
honey nut cherrios

Q23 What do you want for dinner on your birthday ?

probably pizza

Q24 What are you awesome at?

turning off the DVD player while a movie is on

Q25 If you could change your name what would it be?

Mama and Daddy thought about Parker

Q26 If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?

Florida(grandma wants to take X and me there to go to Disney World

Q27 What is your favorite toy?

Spot, the dog that Grandma Bob(Susan, Aunt Erin's MIL) gave me

Q28 What are three words to describe you?

smiley, cheerful, handsome

Q29 What did you do when you were little?

Play with Lucy

Q30 What do you want to be when you grow up?
a dentist( I love playing with people's mouths)

Q31 What snack could you live on?

Nilla Wafers

Q32 What food do you hate?


Q33 If you had one wish what would it be?

To go to the North Pole(he loved the ride on the Polar Express)

Q34 What is your best memory?

Spending time with Unc Jake

I hope to continue this throughout his life and see how his answers differ from these.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

In need of a driver

Being home with my little guy gives me time to blog about our time together-I'd mentioned in my last entry that Carson got his first car, well now here's what I found the other day when he was playing... Shortly after I took these pictures there he sits in the trailer waiting, looking up at me and smiling. Is the mama suppose to be the driver? If only I fit. I'm not sure if he wants to be the passenger, sitting in his trailer or the driver you decide.... Where's cousin Xavier when you need him?