Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Aint that the truth

Motherhood isn't for sissies! Isn't that the truth! Sometimes I wonder if Carson will be an only child and others I try to accept it, especially when I have weeks like this...
Weeks where he is so sick that he speeds time in the Dr. office TWICE and makes a trip to the ER over the weekend, begging me to let him go home.

I have to say my hate goes off to my pediatrician, Dr. Nagle when she walked into the exam room yesterday and saw us again after seeing us only the previous Friday, she got straight to work, listening to me tell her what had changed and then went in search of the cause.   The Verdict- a double ear infection and a spot of pneumonia and croup!

Thanks to her we have antibiotics and I am now the mom of a little less crabby two year old.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What a Christmas

This December definitely made up for the previous month.  The kids had a great time at cousins Christmas and my little man even enjoyed himself, I think.  He wasn't sure of what to think when we didn't go home to sleep or  his "safety net" aka his daddy had to go to work and left him and I there to play games, but overall I think it was a first successfull sleepover at Grandma Alaine's.
the kids made edible christmas trees, played games and all sort of other fun stuff.

Christmas was fun, we made cookies for Santa to eat and poor Carson couldn't understand why he couldn't eat the cookies we had made.  Then the first thing Carson whispered to Corby on Christmas morning was, "Look daddy, Santa ate his cookies."
Santa brought Carson his first piano, two train sets, and some DVD's- chuggington is his new favorite.

Later in the month, we bundled Carson, Xavier and Zayne up to go to the Hogle Zoo to see the Zoo Lights, it was so cold but the boys enjoyed themselves.