Thursday, December 12, 2013

More Elf...

Day 5: Benjamin was found in mama's China cabinet hanging out with the Native American Nativity

Day 6: Benjamin came back from the North Pole peeking out of Carson's stocking

and Today day 7: We found Benjamin upstairs sitting amongst the holly and pine above Muga's china cabinet. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Elf on the Shelf

On Dec.5th, the South Jordan Merchant's became a household that now has an elf on a shelf... named Benjamin.
Day 1 Carson found him here... Atop our Christmas tree next to Tinkerbell
Day 2: Benjamin enrolled at Hogwarts
Day 3: Benjamin was found in Carson's room riding in a fire truck

Day 4: Hiding in a toy train set

Carson's 3rd Birthday

Every Year I've tried to make Carson's Birthdays better than the last one.  But This year, was out of control!  The Noise level was crazy loud- The Monster University Theme was crazy- The pin the eye on Mike game, The mountain of gifts, the cake and the gift bags for the kids that came.....

Friday, December 6, 2013

Catching Up... Halloween....

Carson and I spent the morning going through grandma's Halloween Box, Trying on many costumes that his uncle once wore, but he went as Mike from Monster's University and Xavier went as Nemo and Zayne went as a Tiger.

Zayne as a Tiger