Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's day!

Happy Mother's day to all my friends that are mothers and for those of us who are not, I was curious, by the raise of hands, who boycotted it and refused to go to church? Just me? Come on now, be honest.
Well I did and I'll tell you why. I hate that all the women in the ward who are 18 and over, whether they are mothers or not get a mother's day gift. Last year i went and I made a girl in Young women's feel bad. She tried to give me the gift, but I politely refused it and then she tried again and I said, "Nicole, I'm not a mom-I do want the gift." Then she stood there stunned and didn't know what to do. Corby(bless his heart) tried to make her feel better by saying that there was a lady sitting not too far away from us that didn't get one. She moved on, but afterward I felt horrible.
So this year I told Corby to go without me. He went and told the ladies in nursery the reason I wasn't there was because I hate mother's day and didn't want to come. I also wanted to avoid the whole refusing the gift thing.
Now MAYBE when I'm a mom I'll feel differently about it, but until then I'm standing firm in what I believe, is that wrong?



no, its not wrong. In fact I think that the only reason that they do it for those that are 18 or over is so that those that arent moms who like you are of age dont feel bad. But in some cases, that dosent work. In our ward this year they did 12 and up...


Sorry, I thought I was logged in as me and not the business...

Scott and Alison

I am SO glad I'm not the only one that feels this way! Scott went to church without me! But his mom was there so it was okay. But yeah, in a way I feel guilty for taking the gift if I do, and on the other hand, it just makes me feel stupid for not being a mother yet. So I am glad I have someone in this boat with me!