Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Week's Adventures

My week in review--nothing took place much, Monday or Tuesday, but from Wednesday to Today(Saturday Aug.1) It's been a crazy one! Wednesday I had the privilege of babysitting my youngest nephew, Nate--What a cutie! He and I got along great! He and Lucy hit it off and he just wanted to explore after he woke up from a nap. Funny thing was, when Nate slept so did Lucy! I wish I had taken a picture.
Then on Thursday my parents and my brother Jake took off for a 4 wheeling weekend. I was asked to feed the fish and dog and water the plants. Simple enough right? Haha... Friday morning I come over to feed Willow and found that a tree limb, not a little one mind you...a good sized tree limb has broken off the tree and is hanging down.
Willow(the family dog) usually goes for a swim in the cannal behind my mom and dad's house, so Friday we brought Lucy over to go with her, wear out both dogs at the same time. I took Willow, boy did I make the wrong choice, she pulled me around the block enough to send my flip flops flying literally.
Then today, oh today... It's only 9:53 a.m. and already I'm ready to go back to bed. Decided to take Willow swimming by herself theory good reality, not so much! There was another woman and her dog walking on the canal this morning...which was okay because Willow kept on swimming without even paying attention. However, the second time the woman passed with her dog, Willow lunges out of the water and goes after this dog! Both the woman and I tried to stop it, she helped me get Willow's collar while she was trying to shield her dog! Luckily both dogs are fine and no blood seems to have been shed.
When my parents get home tomorrow afternoon what am I suppose to say, "the fish are still living, you're plants are fine, your tree is dead and your dog caused a fight on the canal, but overall, everything went fine!"
Oh Boy! I really hope that between the remainder of today and through tomorrow morning that all goes well without much more drama.