Friday, February 27, 2009

Lucy's Friday the 13th

So on Thursday nights I bowl on a league with my mom, my sister Erin and my friend Sarah(aka Sarahpie), well Sarah recently adopted two kittens from the humane society and well now we share our pet woes and adventures with each other.It's nice because Erin has no interest in pets(if that's your thing more power to ya), so she doesn't get as much out of the stories as Sarah and my mom do.

Anway...I was telling Sarah and Erin about Lucy's disasterous Friday the 13th. And now I'll tell you...
Lucy hates to get her nails clipped, but because she lives in the house the majority of the time they tend to grow long than if she was an outside dog.Corby and I decided to go get dog food at IFA and while we were there I found a nail clipper that I thought I might be able to use, it had a sensor thing to detect when I was cutting too close or when I was okay to cut... I decieded to start with one claw first her fifth claw, which is furthur up her ankle than on her paw.Well, the light was green when I put it on her nail and then as I was in mid cut it turned red.
There was a good reason it turned red, Ihad cut way too close and now blood was pouring out of this nerve that I looked like I had cut someone up by the amount of blood soaking through the paper towels.
I called my dad as usual and asked him what to do...I was hysterical...after getting off the phone with him I told Corby to keep her comfortable and that I was going to the pet store to get some antiseptic stuff to help stop it from bleeding anymore.
When I got back I found my dad's pathfinder in the driveway.He came and put super glue on the end of the nerve and it seemed to stop it.Few!
It didn't end there.She went outside to use the potty and then as she was coming back in we see bloody paw prints on the tile,on the carpet and in the kitchen. The glue didn't dry enough and therefore it bleed down her leg and as she walked it continued to bleed.
Later that night my dad came back and reglued it and then she was able to walk without it bleeding all over.Now though if you even try to come near her nails she jumps...poor Lucy

Let me tell ya, I had a friday the 13th movie going on in my house that day. I told Corby there is a reason I don't do anything on Friday the 13th. BAD things have happened the last couple years on those days. I recovered from a horrible seizure on one of those days and the same day my parents puppy Willow was caught under a piece of pliewood that had blown over and she broke her paw...there's a list... On the NEXT friday the 13th I don't think I'll ever get out of bed.