Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A fish out of water

So this week I took a two day job on Monday and today at Sunset Ridge Middle School. Yesterday wasn't so bad I was just way tired when I came home. Today though, was another story! Today I felt like the kindergartener diguised as a teacher. I couldn't believe how scared I felt. In Fourth period today I marked this girl absent because she wasn't in her seat according to the seating chart.

Well as I'm going down another row I see someone who isn't supposed to be there. I asked her name and I said, 'well you need to move to your seat' she gave me this look like I thought she might rip out my hair. I asked her again and said if she didn't move I was going to mark her absent. She told me to go ahead.

I asked her a third time and she says, 'I ain't movin.' It was the first time I feared for my life while teaching. Someone told me to let it drop because she was in a gang and if I didn't let it go I might regret it.

She left the classroom, but I didn't question where she was going for fear of what she might say or do. I wondered if I were to go back to that class if I ought to take a body guard. Do you think Jake would go?

I now believe I am meant for the lower grades. I thought I had thick skin, but now I'm not so sure.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stretched too Thin

I feel as if I am stretched too thin in all the things I have to do. Take tonight for example, Corby and I had made plans with a friend to have her come over, we've done this like EVERYmonth for quite awhile.

Then I heard from my family and my in-laws that they were planning to do birthday stuff for Kami and Lance and since my parents were in Dallas on Jake's birthday they decided to get togther tonight too. Every time I heard Jake say "see ya Saturday" I just thought it meant that he'd possibly see us on Saturday ( we end up there for one reason or another on Saturdays)

Now that I think about it though, on the day of Jake's actual birthday Erin,Phill, Corby and I took Jake out to dinner and then when the meal was done both Erin and Phill said see ya on Saturday too.

How can I do this all and please everyone?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where did all the money go?

(This picture has nothing to do with the post, I just wanted to see if it would let me post again.)
The title of this post really makes me think that it's hard to have one person working and the other one not. I give praises to those who can do it.

Even with my substituting when there are jobs available and I have my voice(thank goodness that's returned) It seems like we are struggling to get everything paid on time and for how much it's worth.

Just yesterday I got paid for the jobs I worked in February(school districts pay a month behind) and within two hours I re registered Corby's car and paid our home owners fees(boy would I like those to go away) anyway within that time all that I had gotten paid fly out the window. Now I think I have something like 12 dollars to my name.

again I pose the question, where did all the money go?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The queen of the bed

Normally Corby let's Lucy sit on the outside of the covers on our bed. He say's "You sleep on the top of the covers remember young lady" alot, but two nights ago it was different. As we were getting ready to go to bed Ihad already pulled the covers back to get in and then got up for some reason, when I turned around I saw Lucy laying under some of the covers with her head on Corby's pillow. That is like a cardnial one's head touchs Corby's pillow that has four legs. But Sunday night, he didn't seem to mind so I took the opportunity to document this rare occasion.
Enjoy the pics!

For some reason I can't get the pictures to upload, anyone think they can tell me why?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weddings and tears

So you may be(more than likely) be hearing from me quite a lot in the next ten days while Lucy "heals"-hopefully.
Today is Schuyler's wedding and I couldn't help but think what Lindsey might be doing right now and if I did some of those same things. About this time almost five years ago I was getting dressed for my ceremony with about a 100 other brides. Now I'm sure that Lindsey isn't getting ready the way I was-they aren't getting marrried in the temple-but I'm sure she and I were/are feeling the same nervousness and excitement. To see Corby across that alter, and even placing the ring on his right finger, not his left will always be memories I will treasure.

So over the last 24 hours I've watched Lucy very closely... and boy is she gettig restless. The doctor told me we couldn't play ball or throw the frisbee and of course she can't go up and down the stairs. I think the sadest thing to see is Lucy trying to get up on the bed, but not being able when she used to be able to make it up there no problem. When we had moose and he wasn't able to get into the car very well I thought we ought to get him some small stairs that he could walk up and down, to get out of the car and onto the bed. I never did though and boy now I wish I had.
I feel horrible about this who knows just how long she was in pain before she started limping and I have to wonder if I'm to blame for this?

Friday, March 20, 2009


You'll do ANYTHING! If your child is hurt and you can do something about it, you do right? Wether they have four legs or two. For the last few days I noticed Lucy limping and at first both Corby and I thought that she had just landed wrong on it after playing ball or jumping off the porch in the backyard. Well today I noticed when I got out of the shower that when she got off the bed, she limped a little andimmediatedly sat down. She did this as she followed me into the kitchen to get us something to eat and as soon as she got up from sitting anywhere. Well I immediatedly went into panic mode and called my mom to see if I should take her to the vet or if I was just over reacting. I tend to do that sometimes....Anyway, my mom suggested I call and tell them I'm bringing her in.So, almost 2 hours, 4 xrays and a sedation and 400 dollars( Thanks mom for paying, I love ya and you know Lucy does too) later it was determined that no she didn't have hip displasia(thank goodness) but she does have a partically torn ACL. That happened to Moose our first dog and four months after we got him we had to put him down. I don't know if I can do that twice!For now though it seems I have to give her anti-inflammitory meds for 10 days and then take her back in to determine our next course of action. My hope is that the meds with help the blood vessels to fill in where the tissue has worn away and that surgery is not required.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Schuyler and Lindsey

Congratulations goes out to my good childhood friend
to Schuyler and Lindsey who will be getting married tomorrow 3.21.2009

Good Luck and Best Wishes


The Packard Clan

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St.Patrick's Day Fun Facts

So alot of my friends that couldn't access this because of blocked sites at their workplaces were sent an email...many of you who can were sent one too..
But here are some other traditions not mentioned in the email about things that will take place around the states today...

There are 364.6 days until the next St. Patrick's day
St.Patrick's day came to America in 1737, the first city to celebrate was Boston

Before becoming St. Patrick at the age of 16 St. Patrick considered himself a pagan
Jan.11 is the Roman Catholic feast that honors St. Patrick
When St. Patrick became a priest he gave shamrocks to people to convert them to christianity
On St. Patrick's day, in Chicago they dump 40,000 gallons of green dye into the Hudson River

In Ireland people go to Mass
In the US many people "pub crawl" or go from one bar to another, even on a work day like today.

Now go, impress your friends with your knowledge of St. Patricks day

Monday, March 16, 2009

Responsibility SUCKS!

Okay in a pervious post I mentioned that I had to figure out how to go to Lava Hot Springs with Corby's family and pay the mortgage and such. As it turns out the fun stuff is what has to be cut! No Lava for Adri and Corby-maybe it two years when they go again. Is it too late to ask for my dolls back and live at home? I love the perks of adult life I do, the shoes, the clothes but don't be fooled by the cool exterior...reality soon sinks in and you have to deal with it. Even though I'd really like to just stick my head in the sand.

Dogs have no idea how great they have it--Here's to being a dog! Congrats Lucy :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Those Damn Gophers!

(Trevor is on cruthes because he tripped over their kids' toy, I felt it appropriate to illustrate this post)

Okay, so everyone who knows me, knows I'm a klutz! But last night...So last night Corby and I were walking Lucy out in the park area on the south side of our community. Well, each section has a gully type thing at the bottom, where kids can play and in the winter the hills are great for sledding! Anyway, Corby and I let Lucy off her leash to run in the bottom of one of those and as Corby and I were heading down the hill to meet up with Lucy I stepped in a hole on the side of the hill and fell head over heels!

I blame those damn gophers! I really don't know if gophers caused the hole really, but as I sit here with my left foot wrapped and swollen I have to blame it on someone and I've blamed a lot of my falls on Lucy so I'm gonna let the gophers take the blame this time.

Or maybe it was my fault for not watching where I was going, but still...I think it's safer to blame the gophers!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Trust in the Brother-in-law

Okay Eric, this is one time when I'm going to say, you were right. Last week I called my brother-in-law to ask him to diagnosis our computer problem, it wasn't a virus or anything like I thought it was or could've been, no it was exactly what Eric said it was...our hard drive was fried!

Now that we have a "healthy" hard drive I'm able to blog again....

Thanks Eric!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Grown up?

Who decided being a grown up was fun? I mean sure there's no one to tell you when to go to bed and you can decide what to eat and when to eat and the clothes are great. But I ask you who decided it was what we all wanted to become? Sure being married is fun-sometimes-when life is going right for you. I went to the pharmacy today... and then Jeff-yes I'm on a first name basis with them- asks "do you still have the same insurance?" I said yes and then he asks "did you get a new card?" I nodded yes and then he says let me call...the insurance company tells him that my coverage has expired!
With Corby losing his job I knew we needed to pay Cobra in order to keep it, but I thought we were covered for at least another month. According to the insurance company I'M NOT!
Then my printer runs out of ink, there's a virus attacking my computer and I still have to pay my utilities and my mortgage! No sure I'm gonna have all that I need to get it done! Ugh! Then I have to figure out how to go to Lava with Corby's family! I just want to throw myself down and cry like a two year old. Somehow I think at 30 it wouldn't be acceptable.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Vacation Debate?

(This is a scene where Roxy and Pamela make up after fighting)
Again a scene from Army wives, one day I'll post pictures of real people in my life, until then deal with it)
So Corby and I have been debating over whether to go to Lava Hot Springs with hs family for the entire week or wether we should either not go at all or only go for the weekend. Every two years his family goes up there because their extended family shares a condo through each of his Dad's siblings. One year it's Gma and Gpa Merchant, one year it's Pam and Wayne one year get my point. Well this year it's Corby's family's turn. Because Corby only recently got a job and hasn't been there that long, I'm unsure if he should take the time off and go for the week. True he only works four days a week, but still..I'm not sure I can justify spending over 500 dollars for a hotel room to stay the week when we've just gotten a good source of income.

Please ya'll help me come up with a good way to explain my side..because whatever I seem to say makes things worse.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mad Scientist

This has nothing to do with the post, I'm just a sucker for a man in uniform...yum! (I'm obsessed with Army Wives, I just can't help it)
So when I married Corby I never imagined that he would be empolyed and unemployed then employed then unempolyed then empolyed and then unemployed and then emplyed again. Twice to the same company in the almost five years we've been married. But now, being married to a 'mad scientist' well I just don't know.

Most of you I assume got my email about Corby's first day... For those who didn't picture this...

Corby dressed in a lab coat, adorn with something to cover his head, his shoes are covered, gloves and protective eyewear.

Hehe... I do love you sweetie... it's just picturing you like this something I'd have to see

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Insane Sandman

Okay, so the sandman has taken a liking to influence my dreams these days... and he's playing dirty. Last night I dreamt that Corby and I lived in Seattle(which is not the wierd part, cause I'd like to live there someday). Most of you know that Corby started his job today(march 4), so in my dream he had to take the ferry to get to the building he worked at..He was still going to be working for Watson...anyway he missed the last ferry to get him there on he heads back home. When he gets home(which bytheway we lived in the same house we live in South Jordan, without the HOA) I ask him what he's doing home and I freaked out cuz I knew he was going to be let go if he didn't show up.
So we go back to meet the next ferry and it turns out there's not anotherfor an hour.So then here comes the wierd part, we jump into the water and the two of us swam to the building on top of the hill. It looked a lot like the building where Grey's Anatomy is filmed.
SIDE NOTE...(Yes Grey's Anatomy is filmed in Seattle)...I found that when we were going to the cruise ship and the bus driver told us some things about the city.

Well, this made sense to me, it being a hospital setting because Corby's job is medicalish..

Then when the two of us get there he kisses me and says I'll meet you at the open air market after work. I head there and all of the sudden there's my dad and Jake...They had come to get a hunting dog.Why they came to Seattle to get a hunting dog I'm still trying to figure out. They also came to get Jake's deer mount repaired because their dog they have now,Willow tugged on one antler and riped it off. But in real life the guy who did Jake's mount lives in Fountain Green, UT...
Well Corby meets the three of us at the market and helps the boys choose the dog and then we all get in Jake's truck and head back to our house. That's when the phone rang and woke me up. Guess who it was? Corby calling from work.

Tell me ya'll what do you make of that one?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Getting thrown out

Today you are getting two posts... Last night I dreamt that I went to the temple to do a session and as I waited in the chapel I got up to go with the group I was with and a temple worker told me to wait.For some reason I had a card in my hand like you would if you were doing baptisms...Anyway the temple worker told me to wait. She looked at my card and said, "You'll have to come with me." I followed the lady and she escorted me down a long hall to the dressing rooms I guess and then we were met by another temple worker who helped me out of my temple clothes and into my skirt and top and then she told me to follow her.
Then to my surprise she escorted me right out of the front doors of the temple!When I tried to go back in this two rather big guys stood in front of the doors and told me to go home!

What do you make of that?

Not being heard

Last night my dad and brother(Jake) got home from their trip to Las Vegas to see the Nascar races...and well when Corby had got the job working at Watson, my dad was the last to find out and he was hurt because I usually tell him EVERYTHING first, I'm a daddy's girl. Anyway I called his cell phone wondering if he'd even answer, ready to leave a message and surprise he answers.I said that he wasn't the first to know, my mom was but I wanted to tell him that Corby would be starting his job on Wednesday. Then I was asking him if he and Jake had a good time. My voice was gone last night, I mean whisper kind of gone and my dad wasn't able to hear what I said so much so that there were long pauses after everything I said and then he tried to answer what he thought I might have said.
I was so upset that when I got off the phone with him I cried and then cried myself to sleep.

Monday, March 2, 2009


(This is how I felt yesterday when Corby got "the call" to start work: scence from the final episode of season 1-where Roxy and Trevor are at the park with their kids, TJ and Finn)
So yesterday when I posted the 'lonely blogger' entry I was feeling kind of down because Corby hadn't heard about his job yet...But the truth is I'm obsessed with blogging!I'm more faithful to this than I am my own journal...

On the plus side I think things are starting to turn around for us...knock on wood. Corby starts his job on Wed.(this wednesday, March 4th)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lonely blogger

So I might just give up on blogging all together... although it is fun...I rarely get responses from anyone out in cyberspace.


(Final epoisode from season one of Army wives where Trevor says his final goodbye before getting on the bus to go to Iraq)