Sunday, March 15, 2009

Those Damn Gophers!

(Trevor is on cruthes because he tripped over their kids' toy, I felt it appropriate to illustrate this post)

Okay, so everyone who knows me, knows I'm a klutz! But last night...So last night Corby and I were walking Lucy out in the park area on the south side of our community. Well, each section has a gully type thing at the bottom, where kids can play and in the winter the hills are great for sledding! Anyway, Corby and I let Lucy off her leash to run in the bottom of one of those and as Corby and I were heading down the hill to meet up with Lucy I stepped in a hole on the side of the hill and fell head over heels!

I blame those damn gophers! I really don't know if gophers caused the hole really, but as I sit here with my left foot wrapped and swollen I have to blame it on someone and I've blamed a lot of my falls on Lucy so I'm gonna let the gophers take the blame this time.

Or maybe it was my fault for not watching where I was going, but still...I think it's safer to blame the gophers!